Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1538 Wan Kun is still alive

Chapter 1538 Wan Kun is still alive
Chapter 1554

"Don't worry, your mother is fine, she's fine, it's just—"

"Just what?" Reading the text felt very bad, very bad.

"Your teacher respects her. She is gone. Your mother was so sad that she passed out. She will wake up soon. You don't have to worry about her."

Master is gone?Master is gone?
She screamed in her head, Master is gone, what about Wan Kun, Wan Kun?

She held Zheng Zhongwen's hand tightly, feeling very scared in her heart, afraid of hearing the answer she didn't want to hear.

Zheng Zhongwen held her hand, said with red eyes: "Wan Kun is still alive, he is still alive, don't worry, just don't worry."

She breathed a sigh of relief, it's good to be alive, if father said something to him, he must be alive, father would never lie to her.

At this time, Qi Rongyue woke up from the coma. When she woke up, she heard the voices of her daughter and her husband, and she sat up quickly, "Wen'er? Is that you?"

Because it was night, although the lights were on in the room, it was still very dark. Rong Yue heard Zhong Wen holding someone talking, and the voice seemed to be Wen'er, but she was not sure, because she missed her daughter too much. And hallucinated.

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly brought his daughter to Qi Rongyue: "Yue'er, it's Wen'er, she woke up and looks fine."

Rong Yue took Wen'er's hand, and took her pulse carefully. Although her breathing was not steady, her vital signs were very normal, and her Wen'er was fine.

The mother and daughter hugged each other in pain. After months of separation, they didn't know whether the other was alive or dead. They missed each other day and night, and never stopped worrying. Now that they finally meet, what could be more exciting than this.

After crying for a while, Rong Yue wiped away her tears, pulled Nian Wen to get up: "Let's go, go and burn incense sticks for your master, and send her off."

In the mourning hall, Mr. Wan and Min Hengzhi were guarding the spirit. Seeing them coming, the two stood up and moved out of the way. Nianwen knelt in front of the closed coffin and kowtowed nine times in a row, "Master, Wen'er is sorry for you!" , I failed to bring Wan Kun to see you for the last time, Wen'er is useless, I have learned skills from you for so many years, but I can't even do anything, Wen'er is useless, Wen'er is useless—"

Mr. Wan stepped forward and helped Nianwen to stand up: "Your master will not blame you. In her eyes, you and your mother are the pride of her life. Get up. If she is alive in the sky, she doesn't want to see you." Seeing you like this."

Nian Wen accompanied his mother to burn papers in the mourning hall for a while, and then remembered Wan Kun who was still in a coma, so he went back to the room with an excuse.

Wan Kun's injury was ten times and a hundred times more serious than she had imagined. She did not expect him to be so seriously injured. No wonder her mother kept silent about Wan Kun's injury.

I'm afraid even the mother can't make Wan Kun wake up again.

It's because of her, it's all because of her, if she had worked harder and worked harder when she was learning martial arts, perhaps today's tragedy would not have happened.

Maybe Wan Kun didn't have to block the knife for her to save her.

He wouldn't be lying here lifeless like he is now.

Holding his hand, she could even feel his breath of life flowing away bit by bit, disappearing bit by bit.

"Don't, don't die, I beg you, please don't die." She leaned on his chest, tears slid drop by drop into the hideous wound running from the back to the chest, such a wound, if Qi Rongyue hadn't used it in time The silver needle blocked his heart veins, he might have died long ago,
In the dim room, bursts of strange white light lit up, and the white light hid in Wan Kun's wound in clusters. The man who was reciting the text on Wan Kun's chest never got up again, and his crying gradually died down.


Dear friends, go and support Shepherd Boy's new book, Miracle Doctor Farmer Girl: Mensao Husband Can't Feed You Enough.

(End of this chapter)

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