Chapter 1539 Xiaobai
Chapter 1555

Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen, who were burning paper for Jian Yun in the mourning hall, felt a piercing pain at the same time. Their eyes met with surprise and panic. At this moment, a white shadow came in from the outside and landed on the In the mourning hall.

That white shadow was none other than the beast Xiaobai who had just woken up from a coma for several months.

Xiaobai's cute head looked around the mourning hall, but didn't find the person it was looking for, so it turned around and jumped out immediately.

Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen knew something was wrong, Xiaobai was not active, most of the time it was eating or sleeping, every time it appeared, it indicated that Wen'er was in danger.

The two quickly got up from the brazier, and rushed like crazy to the room where Wen'er and Wan Kun were.

The room was still dark, and Nian Wen was lying on Wan Kun's body, motionless.

Xiaobai jumped up to the back of Nianwen's neck, opened his mouth, and bit Nianwen hard. After the bite, Xiaobai's body rolled off Nianwen's body and landed on the side of the pillow, a pair of black grapes. It opened its eyes hard, looked at Qi Rongyue who was rushing forward, and made a little creaking sound from its pink mouth, but unfortunately, no one could understand it.

Its eyes closed again, just woke up from one deep sleep, and immediately fell into another deep sleep, and this time, no one knew how long it would sleep.

Qi Rongyue picked up Nianwen's body, put her on another bed, and checked the pulse carefully, but no matter how she tried to feel the pulse, she couldn't find the pulse beating between her wrists.

She shook her head: "Impossible, this is impossible, Wen'er will not die, never will die."

"What did you say? What happened to Wen'er?" Zheng Zhongwen was anxious,

Qi Rongyue lay on Nianwen's body again, and listened carefully to her heartbeat, which was so weak that it was almost imperceptible.

"How did this happen? What, what's going on here?"

Zheng Zhongwen asked anxiously: "What's the matter? Tell me quickly!"

Qi Rongyue held her daughter's hand tightly, with an unbelievable expression on her face: "Wen'er's pulse has stopped, but the strange thing is that her heartbeat is still there. Although it is weak and undetectable, it is real and stable. It's just that I can't be sure now, is she alive, or—"

How can a person have no pulse but only a heartbeat?This is not in line with common sense.

Her eyes fell on Xiaobai who had fallen into a coma: "Could it be Xiaobai? Xiaobai saved Wen'er?"

She thought of the scene she saw when she came in, and immediately turned over her daughter's body to check the wound on the back of her neck.

No drop of blood flowed out from the place bitten by the sharp teeth, and dark red lines were gradually appearing around the wound. The lines were not shapeless, but formed after the lines converged in one place, forming a small The shape of the beast.

It was exactly what Xiaobai looked like.

"It's Xiaobai, it was Xiaobai who saved Wen'er." She was ecstatic for a while, but she went to feel Wen'er's pulse, but she still couldn't find the pulse.

How could this be?This is so weird.

"What's wrong with Wen'er?" Mr. Wan entered from the outside, followed by Min Hengzhi.

Zheng Zhongwen sighed, and said: "Wen'er was born with a supernatural power. She seems to have a special energy in her body that can heal some injuries that we think are incurable. When she was very young, we discovered this."

Mr. Wan was pleasantly surprised: "This is a good thing. In this way, she can cure Wan Kun." He was still worried about Wan Kun's injury, but now it seems that there is no need.

(End of this chapter)

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