Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1540 The Particularity of the Body

Chapter 1540 The Particularity of the Body

Chapter 1556

Zheng Zhongwen added: "At first we also thought it was a good thing, but later we found out that she has to pay a price for using this instinct to heal injuries, which is equivalent to exchanging her own vitality."

"In exchange for her own vitality? What does that mean?" Min Hengzhi was puzzled.

Zheng Zhongwen continued: "When she was young, she raised a puppy. Later, the puppy was injured by someone and was in danger. Rong Yue was powerless. I thought the puppy would die, but the next day, we saw a frisky dog. The puppy, all the injuries on the puppy have disappeared without a trace, just like before it was injured."

"But Nianwen collapsed by the kennel and slept for seven days."

"Do you still remember what happened in the year Wan Kun was born? At that time, Luo Ji's father wanted to return, and Rong Yue begged to come to Baoqin to defend against the enemy, but was taken away by Yuan Dao. When I rescued Rong Yue, her forehead was injured. A long wound was left behind. When reading the text, she saw that her mother had a wound on her forehead. She was very sad. She hugged Rongyue and kept crying, crying and crying. Suddenly, a white light appeared on Rongyue's wound. After that, her wound miraculously recovered. Alright, that's when we confirmed the special ability of reading text."

Min Hengzhi hurriedly asked: "Does Nianwen know about this?"

Zhong Wen shook his head: "She doesn't know, except me, Rong Yue, and Master, no one else knows about it."

To save an injured puppy, she was in a coma for seven days, and to heal the wound on Rong Yue's forehead, she was in a coma for two days.

And every time she used this ability, her aura would obviously change, becoming slow and weak.

That's why they kept this matter a secret, and they didn't dare to tell her, because they were afraid that if she used this ability frequently at certain times, she would unknowingly hurt herself.

Mr. Wan was very puzzled: "Then she is now—" he had a flash of inspiration, and quickly turned to look at Wan Kun, his son, who was on the other bed.

Could it be that Wan Kun's coma at the time of reading the text was due to Wan Kun?She saved Wan Kun?
Mr. Wan rushed up to Wan Kun, reached out to check his wound, and found that the fatal wound on Wan Kun's body had completely disappeared, leaving only a light pink scar.

Mr. Wan asked Qi Rongyue: "Wan Kun's injury is healed, it must be Wen'er who saved him, it must be Wen'er who saved him."

Rong Yue lowered her head and wept, her shoulders trembled uncontrollably, as if she was trying her best to endure the pain.

Mr. Wan noticed that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong with you? Didn't Wen'er wake up after sleeping for a few days? Isn't it?"

Rong Yue choked up and said: "If you treat a normal injury, maybe you will wake up after a few days of sleep, but Kun'er's injury is not a normal injury, she is trading her life for her life!"

Mr. Wan was confused: "What do you mean? Wen'er, she won't wake up again?"

Zhongwen shook his head: "We can't say for sure, Xiaobai has fallen into a coma again in order to save Wen'er, but she just barely protected her heart, and temporarily saved this life. Whether Wen'er will wake up in the end, who knows? I can't tell."

Rongyue bent down again to listen to the heartbeat of Lianwen, and found that the heartbeat of Lianwen became slower and weaker than before. If this continues, it is hard to say whether Lianwen can hold on.

She suddenly thought that the reason why Nianwen had this ability was because of the particularity of her and Zhongwen's bodies.

She died once and was reborn because of Jiao Dan.

Zhongwen also died once, but survived because of Jiaozhu.

(End of this chapter)

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