Chapter 1550
Chapter 1566

The ferocious beast bit the guard's arm and hid in the forest. They didn't even see what the ferocious beast looked like, they only remembered that a pair of green eyes were very piercing.

"Be careful, everyone, try to get as close to the fire as possible, and don't stay away from the crowd." Zheng Zhongwen handed the man over to Zhou Jiao to deal with the wound. He looked around with a long sword in his hand, and issued a warning to the guards around him.

Most of the guards saw the scene just now, and they were terrified in their hearts. The beast disappeared without a sound, and with so many experts present, they didn't feel its existence at all.

Fortunately, Zheng Zhongwen reacted quickly, otherwise, it might not be just an arm that was taken away by the beast.

Qi Rongyue got up and carried the reading text on her body, she said: "I'm afraid we can't stay here any longer, just now the fierce beast succeeded, which made the place smell very bloody, plus the fierce beast is very likely There are also companions, if they attack in groups, we will be at a disadvantage."

Zhou Jiao bandaged the guard's wound, ordered someone to support him, and hurriedly said to Qi Rongyue, "I'm here to recite the text, the master is right, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's—"

Before he finished his words, ten pairs of faint green eyes appeared in the dark night. In the blink of an eye, the three guards closest to them were dragged into the tree by them.

The sound of drawing the sword aroused the anger of the owners of those eyes even more, and manic low growls came from their roars, which made one's heart tremble.

Qi Rongyue took out an oiled paper bag from her arms, and quickly handed it to Zhou Jiao: "This is a strong drug, first use the drug to deal with them, it should last for a while."

Zhou Jiao shouted loudly: "Everyone hold your breath, I'm going to sprinkle the medicine."

Everyone stretched out their hands to cover their mouths and noses, Zhou Jiao opened the medicine packet and sprinkled a handful of white powder viciously.

Those ferocious beasts that were gradually approaching the light from the darkness quickly retreated to the bushes after inhaling the drug. Their roars could be heard, but they didn't go far, and they didn't seem to plan to go far.

Qi Rongyue said: "Hurry up, everyone, hurry up, the drug won't last long, we must find Hantan as soon as possible."

The strong wind is blowing, the dark clouds in the sky are moving slowly, and wisps of starlight are looming in the clouds.

They ran wildly in the grass, without direction, only relying on a little intuition.

Rong Yue looked up from time to time, silently muttering in her heart to hurry up, hurry up again.

The wind should be stronger, and the dark clouds should be blown away quickly, and let her look at the vision of the star shining for nine days, in the place of the vision, there is the cold pool.

Not long after, there was another roar of a ferocious beast from behind, as if it had suffered a great humiliation, and wanted to get rid of it.

With two screams, they lost two more guards.

Rongyue's Qinggong is very good, but it's a pity that she carried someone on her back today, so she couldn't run fast. Zheng Zhongwen was always behind her, and Zhou Jiao was in front of her.

When she heard the sound of the beast getting closer, she felt very anxious. The more anxious a person is, the easier it is to make mistakes. When she stepped on the ground, she fell to the ground, and even Wen'er rolled aside.

A pair of vicious green eyes suddenly appeared beside Wen'er, and it was unknown whether it had just arrived, or had been lying in ambush for a long time, waiting for them to put it into its beast's mouth.

She saw the bloody mouth, the long red tongue, and the sharp teeth bit down on Wen'er fiercely. If this bite hits Wen'er's slender neck, it will definitely be broken in two.

(End of this chapter)

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