Chapter 1551

Chapter 1567

Qi Rongyue didn't care about that much, she only had one thought in her mind, and that was to save Wen'er, her daughter, even if she paid her own life for it.

She rushed up frantically, threw herself onto Nianwen's body, pulled out the dagger at her waist with her backhand, and stabbed the beast fiercely.

Coincidentally, she stabbed with the knife and just hit one of the eyes of the beast, and then heard a violent howl resounding in the forest, the beast shook its head fiercely, and put the dagger stuck in its eye It was thrown out, and I don't know where it landed.

The injured beast retreated back, she hurriedly carried Wen'er on her back, and was about to escape from this place, but heard another heavy panting sound from the top of her head, and when she looked up, she saw that bloody mouth was biting her head Come.

She thought she was going to die, but this time, she couldn't escape anymore.

She hugged her daughter tightly and closed her eyes.

The bloody mouth that had been hanging down to the top of her head suddenly stopped continuing to attack, and a wave of frightened fear burst out from those green and vicious eyes.

The ferocious beast quickly retreated into the darkness, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Several ferocious beasts that were fighting with Zhong Wen, Zhou Jiao and others disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhong Wen and Zhou Jiao rushed to Rong Yue and Wen'er with injuries all over their bodies: "How are you? Are you okay?"

Zhongwen's voice trembled violently. Just now, he saw a ferocious beast rushing towards Rongyue and Nianwen. He wanted to come to rescue them, but he couldn't get away, and he almost went crazy with anxiety.

Rong Yue shook her head, "I'm fine, we're fine."

Zhou Jiao looked suspicious: "What happened? These fierce beasts are obviously about to succeed, why did they run away suddenly?"

At this time, a guard screamed: "Yes, there are monsters."

Rong Yue followed his cry, and in the night, under the starlight, those blue eyes, although it was 16 years later, she still recognized it at a glance, it was the little cold dragon 16 years ago. , even though its body has grown a lot, bigger than all of them combined.

The guards drew their swords one after another. They really wanted to escape, but their feet were already weak, and they couldn't move a step.

Rong Yue got up and walked towards Han Jiao step by step, she said: "Don't be afraid, everyone, don't be afraid, it is my friend, it will not hurt us."

The cold dragon didn't move, it held its proud head high, its Qingbi eyes stared at Qi Rongyue all the time, there were obvious emotions in the eyes, dissatisfaction, and a little joy.

She reached out and touched its cold and smooth skin, "I'm sorry, I haven't come to see you for so many years, I'm sorry for you."

Han Jiao opened his mouth and spit out something. Under the starlight, the dagger shone brightly.

This dagger was exactly the one she had just stabbed in the eye of the beast, and it had her aura on it. Han Jiao felt her aura, so he came here to save her.

If it hadn't arrived in time, she couldn't imagine what the consequences would be.

"Take me to Hantan, will you?" she begged.

Han Jiao looked at her, the deliberate indifference in his eyes gradually dissipated, finally nodded, and he bent down, motioning for Rong Yue to come up.

Rong Yue turned around and took Nianwen from Zhongwen's arms, first hugged Nianwen on Han Jiao's back, and then sat on it herself.

"Zhongwen, I will leave a mark along the way, you follow up yourself." Han Jiao's speed is not easy for humans to keep up with, if they don't leave a mark, they may not know how long it will take to find it.

(End of this chapter)

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