Chapter 1553 Rebirth
Chapter 1569

If she wanted to see whether this possibility was really possible, she had to wake up and let her body recover its functions, instead of sleeping like a living dead like it is now.

It opened its mouth suddenly, and a shining pearl spit out from its mouth.

It patted Nianwen's back with its dragon tail, Nianwen opened her closed mouth, and the pearl fell into her mouth, along her throat, and slid into her belly.

Hanjiao closed its eyes, in its mind, it could clearly see the structure of Nianwen's body, where the pearl passed, everything was presented in its mind.

It is the first time that it sees such strange human veins, which are different from those it has seen on the humans it has caught before. Her veins have the characteristics of human beings and the characteristics of cold flood dragons. The two are perfectly integrated. , that's why she has some abilities of the cold flood dragon, but she can live like a human being.

Her heartbeat was very weak, and the pearl stayed in the intestinal tract near the heart for a while, and the slow beating heart was obviously different, the beating became obviously more vigorous, and the blood that was originally still in the blood vessels also began to slow down. flow.

This is the beginning of life radiating vitality.

The pearl slowly slipped out from the mouth of the chanting text, the originally radiant pearl looked a bit dim at this moment, Han Jiao opened his mouth and swallowed the pearl again, his originally bright blue eyes showed a trace of fatigue.

It opened its mouth, spit out a big bubble, and wrapped the recitation in the middle of the bubble, and closed its eyes to rest.

It took a lot of vitality to heal this girl, and the inner alchemy is now gloomy, and I don't know how much Xingyue Guanghua needs to be absorbed to restore it to its original state.

It slept for seven days and seven nights, and when it woke up, the girl in front of it was staring at it curiously with a pair of beautiful big eyes.

On her little face, there is no fear at all, it is full of curiosity, she is not afraid of it at all?What a special girl, her mother was quite frightened when she saw it for the first time.

Although her mother also has certain characteristics of the cold dragon.

But the girl in front of her has this trait more obviously than her mother.

The girl touched its whiskers earlier, and then grabbed the horns on its head, this is wrong, even if she is more courageous than ordinary people, she can't be so big.

It stretched out its tail, rolled her body and fixed it, and spit out the pearl again to check the situation in her body.

Seven days later, she regained her vitality and came back to life. Although she is awake now, the strength in her body has not fully recovered. In addition, she has been out of breath for a long time, and her brain has suffered some damage. Children are generally the same.

Fortunately, the damage to her brain is not permanent and irreversible, and she is still recovering slowly, but it will not take a day or two, and it will take a long time, but it is not hopeless.

Outside the cold pool, Rongyue and Zhongwen had been waiting for seven days. From the initial forced composure to the later anxiety, they were almost unable to hold on.

Just when the two were discussing whether they should go into the water to have a look, they heard the sound of hula la, and Han Jiao jumped out of the pool, with a person sitting on his back.

Nianwen saw Qi Rongyue at a glance, immediately slid off Jiao's back, opened his arms and ran towards Qi Rongyue: "Mother hug, mother hug."

When Nianwen came back to life, Rong Yue and Zhongwen were very happy, their eyes were flushed, but when they heard Nianwen's voice, they immediately felt that something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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