Chapter 1554 Three-Year-Old Child
Chapter 1570

Without exception, all the guards behind Zhou Jiao stared at Nianwen and the giant Han Jiao in dumbfounded. They didn't see Han Jiao's appearance clearly that day and night, but today they saw it clearly. The appearance of the Jiao was not much different from the dragon they had seen in the New Year pictures. They clearly came out of the water, but there was not a single drop of water on Jiao's body.

It is said that Jiao skin can avoid water and fire, which seems to be true.

However, what made them even more surprised was that Zheng Nianwen survived underwater for seven days, a full seven days, how could a person survive for seven days in the water?

For the past seven days, although they have been waiting by the prince's side all the time, waiting for a miracle to happen, they have already identified Zheng Nianwen as a dead person in their hearts. die.

But the fact is not like this, Zheng Nianwen came back alive.

"Wen'er—" Rongyue opened her arms and held Nian Wen in her arms, "My daughter, my good daughter." She hugged Wen'er tightly, almost exhausting all her strength.

Nian Wen twisted her body, "Mother, it hurts, Wen'er hurts."

Rongyue let go of her hand, held on to the shoulder of Nianwen, and stared at her face, although she frowned and screamed for pain, but there was a sweet smile on her face.

When Nianwen was a child, she would always make such an expression when she was bruised while playing. After she was five years old, she never saw such an expression again.

"Wen'er, what's wrong with you?"

Nianwen twisted her body and slipped into Rongyue's arms: "Mother's hug, mother's hug——"

Zhongwen held his daughter's hand: "Wen'er, what's wrong with you? Tell Dad, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as Nian Wen saw Daddy, he opened his hand to Daddy again: "Daddy hug, Daddy hug."

Rong Yue was stunned, and Zhong Wen was also stunned.

Since Nianwen was ten years old, he has never been hugged by his father again. What happened?
Zhou Jiao ran to read Wen: "Wen'er, what's wrong with you? Why do you speak so strangely?"

Nian Wen took a look at Zhou Jiao, then turned his eyes away, and plunged into Rong Yue's arms: "Mother, Wen'er is so hungry, so hungry."

"Master, what happened to Wen'er? She doesn't seem to know me anymore."

Rong Yue turned to look at Han Jiao: "What happened to my daughter? How did she become like this?"

Han Jiao opened his mouth, and realized that he couldn't speak human language, so he lowered his head and gently touched Rong Yue's forehead with his cold horns.

A clear voice suddenly sounded in Rongyue's ear, it was not Zhongwen's voice, not Zhou Jiao's voice, nor the voices of the guards brought by Zhou Jiao.

This is—the voice of Han Jiao?

She looked at Han Jiao in surprise, it could actually make a human voice?
"Don't move. I can't make a normal human voice yet. I can only use my horns to transmit my thoughts to your brain, and use them to convert them into sounds. In this way, you can communicate with me."

Amazing, amazing.

But right now is not the time to discuss such magic.

She asked eagerly: "What happened to her when she read the text? Why did she become like this?"

"She's fine, you can rest assured, it's just that her brain has been damaged to a certain extent due to the long-term breathlessness, but after I treated her, her brain damage has begun to recover, but it will take some time, not a day You can recover in two days."

"Her memory now stays at the memory of when she was three years old, and she only remembers what happened at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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