Chapter 1555 Tangu
Chapter 1571

"Then when will she recover?" Rong Yue asked.

Han Jiao said: "It's hard to say, it depends on her own recovery."

Nianwen twisted out of Zhongwen's arms, grabbed Hanjiao's back again, tightly wrapped her arms around Hanjiao's neck, and shouted with a smile, "Fly, Wen'er is going to fly."

Han Jiao has a black line, fly?It is a jiao, not a dragon, it can only swim in the water, not fly in the sky.

However, the feeling of the little girl hugging its neck was quite comfortable.

Han Jiao said to Rongyue: "If you want her to recover faster, I can take her to Tan Valley, where it is easier for her to absorb the brilliance of Xingyue, which will help her recover quickly from the damage in her brain. I can't guarantee how long it will take to recover."

Rong Yue asked: "Tangu? Is that where you took me back then? Everything is huge, even a rabbit is bigger than a human."

Han Jiao nodded: "That's right, it's there. Tan Valley is different from ordinary valleys. There is a very mysterious power there that can naturally attract a lot of stars and moons. The reason why the plants and animals there look so It is huge because it has been nourished by the brilliance of stars and moons for many years."

"Since going to Tangu will help recover your reading, then take her there, but it's too dangerous there, you must protect her well."

Han Jiao's eyes stared at Rong Yue for a while, and suddenly said: "I haven't seen you for more than ten years, but you have changed so much. Why has your hair turned gray so much?" A few years is just a short moment in their long life. The woman in front of her has the breath of her mother, and she is full of kindness to her. Seeing her become like this, her heart also becomes heavy.

Rong Yue smiled lightly: "We human beings are different from your Hanjiao race. Our lives are very short and we will grow old anyway. What does it matter if we have a few white hairs? As long as we are alive, we are the winners."

Han Jiao opened his mouth, and the pearl that was no longer so bright spit out from its mouth again. The pearl landed on her head, slid over her gray temples, slid over the corners of her wrinkled eyes, and slid over her face. The face is yellow and haggard due to long-term toil and worry. Wherever the pearl passes, there is a magical effect of turning decay into magic.

The white hair on the temples of Rongyue has become black and shiny after the pearl slipped by, the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes have been wiped away, and the skin has become fair and smooth, as if in the blink of an eye, the youth she lost has returned.

The cold dragon was a little tired, it swallowed the pearl, hunched up and read the text, turned around and jumped into the cold pool, took the reading, and went to the mysterious and magical land.

The conversation between her and Han Jiao can only be heard by herself, while for others, she can only be seen talking to herself there.

Although they didn't hear the conversation between Han Jiao and her, all of them saw with their own eyes that the bright pearl spat out from Han Jiao's mouth only circled around Qi Rongyue's head and face, making Qi Rongyue look young At least ten years old.

Qi Rongyue's appearance is already extremely beautiful, even if her temples were full of white hair before, she is much more beautiful than ordinary women, now the white hair and wrinkles have disappeared, and she seems to have changed into her fashionable appearance again , Gorgeous and incomparable.

Up to now, no one doubted that Han Jiao had the ability to heal Nianwen.

"Can you talk to Han Jiao?" Zhong Wen had an unbelievable expression on his face. It was obvious that he was talking to Han Jiao just now, and it was absolutely impossible to talk to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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