Chapter 1558 Heavenly King Cedar

Chapter 1574

It quickly stretched out its tail, rolled Wen'er into it, turned its huge body around, and left the place quickly.

Han Jiao's speed is very fast, unbelievably fast.

But that's just unbelievable.

In this magical valley, there are many magical creatures that humans have never seen before, and their speed is no slower than that of Han Jiao.

Especially after smelling the sweet scent full of deadly temptation, their speed became faster.

Han Jiao got rid of most of the wild beasts, but he couldn't get rid of the tracking of the king pendulum.

Uranus centipedes have the body shape of ordinary centipedes, but they are a hundred times larger than ordinary centipedes. Not only are they bigger, they also have a pair of colorful wings.

They flew high in the sky, looking down at the Frost Flood Dragon running on the ground.

They can easily find the cold jellyfish, unlike other animals, which need to rely on their noses to smell them in order to lock their direction.

Although the sky kingpin locked the position of Han Jiao, he did not rush down in a hurry.

In Tangu, the cold dragon is almost invincible, and it is also the only natural enemy of the king pendulum. It has been suppressed by the cold dragon for generations and cannot stand up.

If it was not a last resort, they would not choose to be the enemy of Han Jiao.

Knowing how to judge the situation, it is obvious that the sky king pendant is no longer an ordinary beast, and its intelligence has been developed, making it even more difficult to deal with.

If it was normal, the sky king pendulum would turn back the moment it saw the cold flood dragon, and they would never take the risk of trying to snatch food from the cold flood dragon.

But today, the taste of temptation made them unable to just give up.

That smell is not just the smell of food, they also smell the smell of power.

As long as they eat that human being, they may be able to break through their stagnant cultivation for a hundred years.

But facing the cold flood dragons, they have no advantage at all except for their numbers.

Seeing that the Frost Flood Dragon was about to reach the cold pool, once it returned to the cold pool, they would have no advantage at all.

Without any further hesitation, the three heavenly king pedes swooped down, blocking Han Jiao's path.

Perhaps, this is their last chance, and they decided to gamble.

"You guys, looking for death?" Han Jiao opened his mouth, and the cold and harsh animal language fell into the ears of the king penguin.

The body of the king pedipede trembled, they didn't want to seek death, their previous courage, when faced with the absolute coercion of the strong, they gave birth to timidity again.

But when their eyes fell on the little human being, and the seductive aura penetrated their nostrils, their minds became firm again.

"We don't intend to be your enemy, but we are really hungry today. Since you have found such good food, why don't we share it together?"

"Food?" The chill around Hanjiao's body gradually increased, and the grass under his feet quickly stiffened after it released the chill, and was quickly covered by ice.

This kind of chill was also felt by the king pendulum itself. It was a kind of chill that seemed to come from the heart, which made them tremble uncontrollably.

Han Jiao took two steps forward: "You want to share the food with me?"

White cold mist spewed out from its mouth, and sprayed towards the Uranus that was closest to it. The Uranus wanted to retreat, but before it had time, a mouthful of cold mist hit its tail, and the long tail immediately resembled the previous one. The grass is average, with condensation and ice melting.

It flapped its wings desperately, desperately running on the grass with its many legs and feet, but the frost that started to spread on its tail showed no sign of stagnation.

(End of this chapter)

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