Chapter 1559 Hunting
Chapter 1575

It continued to spread upwards until it covered its entire body. It had already flown into the air, but when the frost covered its wings, it fell down again, torn apart.

Seeing this, the remaining two heavenly king pedes were filled with timidity again, they didn't dare to launch their offensive at all, because their offensive was no fart in front of Han Jiao.

Without staying any longer, the two heavenly king pedes quickly fled the scene, regretting that they should not have angered Han Jiao, they could not be its opponents at all.

After the heavenly king pendulum left, the coldness in Han Jiao's eyes quickly dissipated, and it walked towards the cold pool step by step with heavy steps.

In order to save Wen'er, it had lost its vitality. After seven days of recovery, it improved a little, but it was almost exhausted in order to restore Qi Rongyue's youth. Just now, it used up the last remaining energy in its body. With a little vitality, if the two heavenly king pedes were not scared away by it, the consequences would be disastrous.

It took Wen'er into the bottom of the water, and there were no enemies in the cold pool.

It closed its eyes to rest, and Wen'er lay on top of it, her soft arms hugged its neck tightly, the unique warmth of human beings was passed into its skin bit by bit, it was hard to tell what it was like , it is very enjoyable.

Every time I opened my eyes, Wen'er was beside it, either playing with the fish in the water, or resting on its body.

Its vitality still hasn't recovered, and two days have passed.

Tangu is not safe for Wen'er now, but it is not suitable to continue to stay at the bottom of the pool. After all, it is a human being, even if it is different, it is still a human being.

She can breathe freely underwater, but it is impossible to live underwater like it.

After all, she still has to go back to land, back to her parents.

Now, before she gets weak, send her out.

It sent the text out of the cold pool, but it didn't go out, it just looked at her quietly for a while, then dived back into the bottom of the pool.

Nianwen returned to Rongyue and Zhongwen's side again, she was very happy, and excitedly talked about everything that happened in Tangu, but she didn't speak very clearly, everyone was confused, only Rongyue knew what she said what is it.

Because of that place, she has been there.

Zhong Wen said: "Wen'er looks the same as before, what is Han Jiao's intention to send her out now? Does it mean to let us leave?"

Rong Yue shook her head: "I don't know either, but just looking at its appearance, it should be seriously injured. Let's wait for it, maybe when it recovers a little bit, we will take Nianwen to Tangu again. It’s a magical place, I believe that reading the text there will definitely get better faster.”

Zhou Jiao answered, "Master, since you know where this pool is, why don't you take us with you, so we can stay with Nianwen and take care of her."

Rong Yue shook her head again: "No, let's not talk about whether we can go to Tan Valley smoothly, even if we get to Tan Valley, it is not suitable for us to stay there, without the protection of Han Jiao, we have only one dead end in Tan Valley."

Zhou Jiao couldn't imagine such a place, it can be seen that the master is so serious, so he didn't say more.

"Mother, I'm hungry, I'm hungry, the meat eater grabs Rongyue's arm and shakes her arm vigorously.

As soon as Zhongwen heard that his daughter wanted to eat meat, he hurriedly said: "Wen'er, Daddy will go hunting and find meat for you, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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