Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1560 I Can't Lose Her

Chapter 1560 I Can't Lose Her
Chapter 1576

Wen'er nodded excitedly and clapped her hands: "Okay, Daddy is the best."

Zhongwen took the bow, arrow and dagger, and said to Rongyue, "I'll come back as soon as I go, take good care of Wen'er."

In this vicinity, no beasts dare to approach. If they want to eat meat, they can only go hunting in the distance. They have eaten all the fish in the stream, and now they can't catch a single one.

Zhongwen had just left for a while, Wen'er saw a butterfly beside the flowers not far away, so she went to chase the butterfly, Zhou Jiao said to Rongyue: "Master, please rest for a while, I will play with her."

Rong Yue nodded: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Rong Yue was sitting on the grass by the pool, she didn't dare to walk away, fearing that the cold dragon would come out at any time.

The duty of the guards is to protect the prince, where the prince is, they will be there.

Wen'er ran after the butterfly, and unknowingly, she ran out of Hantan's sphere of influence.

When Zhou Jiao turned his head, he could no longer see Qi Rongyue, nor the direction of Hantan.

He grabbed Nianwen: "Wen'er, we've gone too far, we have to go back."

Wen'er turned around, smiled sweetly at him, then wrinkled her nose and said, "But I haven't played enough, Brother Jiao, don't you want to play with me?"

How long has he not seen such a smile?

Brother Jiao?

"You remember me? You finally remember me?" Zhou Jiao became excited.

Wen'er nodded: "You are brother Jiao. My mother brought you back from the Zhou Dynasty and said that you would be my company from now on. I finally have a company."

That's right, when she was three years old, he had just come to Chu Dynasty. At that time, he was still immersed in the shadow of the tragic death of his mother and concubine, and became taciturn.

It was Wen'er who was always by his side, making him laugh, leading him to run wildly in the palace, pulling him up from the deep ice abyss bit by bit.

Perhaps, at that time, he had already fallen in love with Wen'er, and regarded her as a bright light in his life, the only warmth and hope.

He didn't dare to imagine, what would happen if there was no Wen'er in his life?

Looking at Wen'er's sweet smiling face, he thought of another person, a person who had been sticking to them since they were five years old.

Wan Kun!

He didn't know what happened between Wen'er and Wan Kun during the period when he left the Chu Dynasty and returned to the Zhou Dynasty.

But their relationship doesn't seem to be as simple as it used to be.

There was a pain in his heart, and an emotion that drove him crazy quickly spread in his heart, no, it's impossible.

Wen'er is his, it's his, no one can take her away.

"His Royal Highness, this place is really dangerous, let's go back to Cold Pool."

Zhou Jiao shook his head, looked around, and said in a deep voice, "Do you still remember the way you came here?"

A guard said: "My subordinates have made marks along the way. As long as you follow the marks, you will be able to walk out of Funiu Mountain."

Zhou Jiao's five fingers grasping Nianwen's arm became tighter and tighter, and the reading was painful, and he frowned and said, "It hurts, it hurts so much."

He hurriedly let go, and said with a smile: "Wen'er, let me take you to a fun place, which is fun and has a lot of delicious food, okay?"

Wen'er's eyes lit up immediately, she clapped her hands and jumped up and down: "Okay, okay, where is that place? Take me there."

Zhou Jiao winked at the guard, the guard understood and immediately led the way.

He turned his head, glanced in the direction of the master, and said in a low voice: "Master, I'm sorry, I can't lose Wen'er, I'm sorry!"

Zhong Wen came back after hunting a small deer, and happily said to Qi Rongyue: "Yue'er, I have hunted a small deer, where is Wen'er?"

(End of this chapter)

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