Chapter 1561

Chapter 1577

Rong Yue looked back, and said with an oh: "She just went to catch the butterflies, don't worry, Zhou Jiao and the guards followed."

Zhongwen sighed, and the smile on his face didn't fade: "This child, if he says he's three years old, he's really three years old."

"I'm going to pick up the deer, put it on the fire and roast it first, and Wen'er will be able to eat it when he comes back."

Rong Yue got up: "Let me help you."

The two lit a bonfire by the small river, cut the deer into several large pieces, and roasted them on the fire.

The fragrance soon permeated the woods. The two waited for a long time to read the text but did not return. They ate some when they were hungry. Stay here, maybe they are lost, don't encounter the fierce beast that day."

Speaking of these, Rong Yue also began to worry, if she had to stay and wait for Han Jiao, she really wanted to go with Zhong Wen.

"Okay, hurry up and come back before dark."

Zhongwen took his weapon and quickly rushed into the forest, looking for the footprints on the ground all the way. In a forest far away from the cold pool, he saw a line of inscriptions on a tree.

The handwriting was Zhou Jiao's. Zhou Jiao's handwriting was taught by him, so he could recognize it at a glance.

"Master, Master, I'm sorry."

Just seven words, but it made Zhong Wen's mind flustered.

He frantically searched all around, but there was no sign of Zhou Jiao and others. They didn't know when they left. If the journey went well, they might have left Funiu Mountain by now. What should we do?

Zhongwen returned to the river, "It's not good, Yue'er, the big thing is not good."

Qi Rongyue hurriedly stood up, rushed forward and grabbed Zhong Wen's arm: "What happened?"

Zhongwen said: "Jiao Er, he took Wen'er away, I don't know when he left, maybe he has left Funiu Mountain by now."

Rong Yue was puzzled: "What's the meaning of this? Why did Jiao Er take Wen'er away? Where did he take Wen'er?" It happened so suddenly that she couldn't figure it out for a while.

Zhongwen said: "Don't you understand? Zhou Jiao is indeed Zhou An's son. The father and son are really a virtuous person."

When it comes to this matter, what does Rong Yue still not understand, although it has been many years, she still clearly remembers what Zhou An did to her back then.

Could it be that Zhou Jiao wants to do something like this to Wen'er?

She turned around and rushed to the side of the cold pool, shouting loudly into the pool: "Xiao Hanjiao, I have to go. We will come back to see you after Wen'er recovers. This time, I will definitely not break my promise again."

"Xiao Hanjiao, thank you, thank you for saving me and my family several times, thank you."

The originally calm water on the surface of the pool suddenly showed slight ripples, as if the cold dragon at the bottom of the pool was responding to her.

She turned around and left Funiu Mountain with Zhongwen, and finally figured out Funiu Mountain before dark.

Outside Funiu Mountain, they unexpectedly met Wan Kun who came in a hurry.

Wan Kun was very happy to see them, but there was no sign of Wen'er, the two of them, and his smiling face dimmed again.

"Where's Wen'er? Isn't she with you?"

Zhong Wen looked annoyed, he was so angry that he really wanted to hang Zhou Jiao up and beat him up right now.

Rong Yue said: "Jiao Er didn't know why he went crazy. He secretly took Wen Er away behind our backs. We chased all the way out, and he was gone. When you came here just now, did you see Zhou Jiao?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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