Chapter 1562 Price
Chapter 1578

Wan Kun's complexion immediately turned cold, and his usually calm eyes set off a stormy sea.

"Zhou Jiao secretly took Wen'er away?" These words seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, before the words were finished, there was a murderous look in his eyes.

Zhongwen told the story, and Wan Kun was even more anxious when he learned that Wen'er's memory was still at the three-year-old stage. The three-year-old Wen'er hadn't had much contact with him. He was still a toddler at the time. , she will not remember him at all.

"He must have returned to King Zhou's palace. Let's go after him now." Wan Kun took off the rope tied just now, got on the horse, and galloped away hastily.

Rong Yue sighed: "Good senior brother, they are about to turn against each other, why is Jiao Er so confused."

Zhongwen snorted coldly: "He is not confused, he is clearly a bad root, just like his father."

She knew that Zhongwen was very worried about Zhou An's prisoner in Zhou's palace, and this kind of thing happened now, which would naturally arouse his dissatisfaction with Zhou An. She sighed: "It's been so long since that happened." Why are you bringing it up? Zhou An also knows what he did wrong, after so many years, he has never bothered us in the future, so let it go."

Zhong Wen snorted, "Let it go? Originally I planned to let it go, but now you see, his son Zhou Jiao has done this kind of thing again, how can I let it go?"

He is now full of anger, and he just wants to go to Zhou Palace in one step, and settle the account with Zhou An and his son.

Rong Yue said: "If you really want to talk about it, it wasn't he who was sorry for us, but we were the one who was sorry for him, why are you so stubborn?" In order to save Zhongwen, she voluntarily made peace with her and stayed as Concubine An. But she was unwilling to commit herself to Zhou An willingly, and she always wanted to escape from Zhou Palace.

It was she who took advantage of Zhou An's feelings, and she was the one who was sorry for Zhou An.

Although many things happened later, Zhou An was also at fault, and Xue Er paid the price with her life, but in the final analysis, who can tell who is right and who is wrong?
The two rode their horses and chased Wan Kun to the direction of Zhou Wang's capital.

After traveling for three days, the three of them finally arrived at the capital of King Zhou.

The guards guarding the palace gate stopped them: "Who broke into the palace?"

Rong Yue said: "We came from the Chu Dynasty and are friends of King Zhou and the Crown Prince. Please let me know." She took off the dagger from her waist. It was the dagger that Zheng Zhongwen gave her, and it was also a relic of Zhou An's mother. At the beginning, she left the dagger in the Zhou Dynasty and refused to ask for it again.

But who knows, Zhou An gave the dagger to Jiao Er, and Jiao Er gave it to Wen Er. After several twists and turns, the dagger returned to her hands.

The guards guarding the palace gate were used to high-ranking officials and dignitaries, so when they saw these three people, they felt that their demeanor was very extraordinary, so they dared to be negligent, so they immediately took the dagger and went in to report.

Half an hour later, the chief inspector in the palace greeted him in person.

The chief eunuch was the little eunuch who served Zhou An by his side when he was King An.

He recognized Rong Yue at a glance, and was amazed by the changes of the years, but there was not even a trace of trace left on the queen's face.

"My queen, you are finally back." The eunuch saluted Rong Yue.

Zheng Zhongwen immediately changed his face, and said angrily: "What are you talking about? Who is your queen? She is the side-by-side princess, the princess who protects the country of the Chu Dynasty, don't talk nonsense here."

Only then did the eunuch realize his slip of the tongue, Prince Zheng was right, she was no longer the queen of their Zhou dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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