Chapter 1564 Bitter Fruit
Chapter 1580

If someone else made such a request, not only would it be impossible to be granted, it would even lead to a crime.

But this is Zheng Zhongwen's request, and it is difficult for Zhou An to refuse.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Zhou An took Zheng Zhongwen and the others to the East Palace, Ren Zheng Zhongwen and Wan Kun searched the East Palace, and there was indeed no trace of Zhou Jiao, and Zhou Jiao's bedroom did not look like someone lived there recently.

Rong Yue said: "It seems that Jiao Er really hasn't come back."

Wan Kun slammed his fist on the table in the hall, the small round table of carved nanmu immediately fell apart: "He must have known that we would come here to look for him, so he simply stayed among the people and refused to come back."

Rong Yue also frowned: "If this is the case, it will be difficult. The sky is big and the earth is big, where should we go to find him?"

Wan Kun turned around and walked out.

Rong Yue hurriedly asked: "Where are you going?"

"In this capital city, there is our Wan family's business. I asked them to send someone to find him. Even if they dig the capital three feet into the ground, I must find him." Wan Kun strode away, and Zhou An embarrassed face, he said: "Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation on this matter."

Zheng Zhongwen gritted his teeth and said, "You'd better pray that your son won't do anything wrong to my daughter, otherwise, I don't care if he is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Zhou Dynasty."

Zhou An was anxious. He hoped to find Zhou Jiao quickly more than anyone else. He didn't want Zhou Jiao to make the same mistake again. He had already tasted the bitter fruit, and he didn't want his only son to follow this old path.


In a secluded small town, in an exquisite courtyard, there is a tall and tall young man, and a smiling young girl.

The girl was sitting on the swing frame, and the boy stood behind and pushed her. Seeing her beautiful smile, he also smiled, with a little foolishness on his clear face.

It would be great if it could be like this forever.

"Wen'er, are you tired?"

Nian Wen shook his head: "I'm not tired, I'm not tired at all, push it up a little bit, a little bit higher."

The higher she flew, the happier she smiled. Looking at the blue sky, she suddenly laughed and said, "Brother Jiao, that little guy Wan Kun is so annoying, he actually peed on my bed yesterday."

Zhou Jiao's complexion changed slightly, and the joy in his eyes gradually cooled down, "Wen'er, do you remember Wan Kun?"

Read the text to look back at him, curious: "Of course I remember Wan Kun, why do you ask that?"

She is no longer the memory of when she was three years old, she said Wan Kun peed on her bed, was that when she was five years old?
Has she recovered her five-year-old memory?
How long will it take for her to return to the age of 16?
How long does he have to make her fall in love with him?

The girl in front of me is innocent and innocent, with only a five-year-old mind, how can I fall in love with her?

But if she waited for her to recover her memory, she would be the same as before, only treating him as brother Jiao, younger brother, and friend, not a man.

Nian Wen got down from the swing and jumped to eat snacks in the gazebo. Zhou Jiao chased after him. Nian Wen asked Zhou Jiao with his snacks in his mouth: "Brother Jiao, why don't we have to do our homework today? Where is Master? Where is Master going?" gone?"

Zhou Jiaoqian laughed twice: "We don't need to do homework today, and we won't need it in the future. Master, she is going to a far, far away place, and she won't come back for a long time. Wen'er, we don't need to do homework anymore, you say OK?"

Wen'er clapped her hands happily: "Okay, okay, I hate doing homework the most. If this is the case, will mother take me back to the palace?"

(End of this chapter)

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