Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1565 Why are you blocking my way?

Chapter 1565 Why are you blocking my way?
Chapter 1581

The smile on Zhou Jiao's face froze slightly: "Yes, of course I will, but not now, master, she and master are away on business, and I will take care of you for a while."

Read the text and nodded vigorously: "You take care of me? You are my little brother, why do you take care of me? I should be the one who takes care of you, hehe—"

Zhou Jiao's mood brightened up again, the reading back then was the same as it is now, it hasn't changed at all.

"Okay, okay, then you will take care of me, okay?"

"Brother Jiao, let's go out to play, while Master and Mother are not here, let's go to the street to play."

"Okay, okay, go wherever you say."

Facing Wen'er, he never said a word of no.

Wen'er, who is only five years old mentally, is the age she likes to play the most. Although her mind is only five years old, her body is already 16 years old, and her martial arts skills have not been lost due to memory problems.

Wen'er's qinggong has always been better than his and hers, and there are more people on the street. He chased her hard, chased her desperately, and told her to wait, but she seemed to have not heard at all, squeezing through the crowd Go, jump up and down on the roof until Zhou Jiao lost her figure after chasing her.

Zhou was so anxious that he didn't bring any guards when he went out, so he came out alone with Wen'er. He didn't expect that there would be so many people on the street today.

Wen'er was chasing after the old man who sold candied haws. The old man seemed to have something urgent at home. Someone asked him to buy candied haws on the road, but he ignored him and hurriedly squeezed through the crowd. Forget about Zhou Jiao in Jiuxiao Yunwai.

Just like that, the old man disappeared again. She was anxious, squeezed out from the long street, and turned into another street. There were more people on that street, but it was obviously much less than the previous street. There is no need to squeeze with people anymore, she craned her neck to look around, hoping to find the old man selling candied haws.

"Hey——is the little beauty looking for me?" A gorgeously dressed young man with a folding fan came towards Wen'er. Behind the young man, four tall and strong men followed, each with a face full of smiles. Evil smile.

Wen'er didn't know if she was talking to her, but she was so focused on looking for the old man selling candied haws that she didn't even look at the young man.

The young man simply stood in front of Wen'er, opened his mouth to speak, but Wen'er stretched out his hand and pulled him, throwing him to the ground.

The young man fell into a blindfold, what's going on?Didn't this girl see him as a living person?
"Stop her, stop her for me." He ordered angrily, originally he just wanted to tease her, but this girl is too arrogant, he must not just let her go like this.

The four thugs immediately stepped forward and surrounded Wen'er.

Wen'er frowned: "What are you doing? Why are you blocking my way? I still have to buy candied haws."

The young gentleman got up from the ground, straightened his clothes, pointed at Wen'er and said, "You damn girl, how dare you push me, do you know who I am?"

Wen'er glanced at him sideways, her brows furrowed tighter: "I don't care who you are, I don't know you, get out of the way."

The young master had never seen someone who ignored him so much, he was very angry, and said to Zheng Nianwen: "Look at how I teach you today." He rolled up his sleeves and was about to step forward to beat him up up.

Even if Wen'er only has an IQ of five years old, she still knows that these people in front of her have bad intentions for her, so in a panic, she reaches out and pushes the man in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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