Chapter 1566 Overlord Meal

Chapter 1582

The man let her push him, thinking to himself, how much strength can such a little girl have?
But who would have thought that with just such a light push from the little girl, the man was pushed to the ground, his chest hurt like hell, and he felt internally injured.

He lay on the ground, pointed at Wen'er and yelled, "You, who are you?"

Seeing this, the other three strong men knew that they were about to be stabbed, and hurriedly pulled out the sabers at their waists.

Wen'er stomped her feet, stood up straight from the ground, and swept straight up to the roof of a nearby house, standing on the roof and making faces at the men: "Who cares about me, come and arrest me if you have the ability. "

Although the four strong men have learned some kung fu and are very strong, their lightness kung fu is not good. It is a dream to imagine Wen'er robbing the roof like this.

"If you have the ability to come down, let's fight one-on-one." The man began to fight fiercely.

Wen'er just ignored him: "I'm too lazy to talk to you, I still have to buy candied haws, if you want to single out, next time."

When the young master heard this, he hurriedly asked: "Next time? I think you want to escape. Once you leave, where can I find you?"

Wen'er waved her hands: "I live in the Prince's Mansion, you can come to find me at the Prince's Mansion, let's go, I don't want to talk nonsense with you." She found that standing on a high place has a better vision and farther, so she simply walked in He ran up on the roof and looked around for the figure of the old man selling candied haws.

"My lord, did I hear correctly? What did she say? Side by side with the palace? Does Liuli City have such a place?"

The young son gave him a bad mouthful: "Idiot, didn't you see that she was playing with us? She is still side by side with the palace, and there is no side-by-side king in our Zhou Dynasty."

"But I don't think this girl is like an ordinary girl. Could it be that she has an extraordinary background?"

The young prince said: "Whether she is extraordinary or not, everyone has run away. Is it because of her extraordinary background? What effect does it have on us? Do you have the ability to catch her and ask her?"

The man hurriedly lowered his head, but he couldn't catch it. The girl seemed to have grown wings, and she was as light as a swallow. She flew up to the roof with just a few clicks, how could he catch it.

"Hey, don't you know that you have to pay for food?" A man with a fleshy face pointed at the man in front of him and yelled. The man was very young, in his early twenties, with his upper body naked and only a white cloth around his lower body. His feet were covered with plaster, and his black hair was loose. If he hadn't had a very clean face and a very good-looking figure, this attire might easily be mistaken for a beggar.

"Talking to you, are you dumb? You ate three bowls of my noodles, a total of fifty dollars, take the money."

The man shook his head and said two words coldly: "No."

The boss was very angry, he turned around and copied the guy: "If you don't have money, you dare to come to eat the king's meal, see if I don't beat you to death today."

The boss raised his stick and wanted to greet the young man when a pretty figure squeezed into the crowd and said to the boss, "Hey, why are you beating someone? It's against the law to beat someone. do you know?"

The girl's voice is very crisp and the ending is very waxy, which is very comfortable to listen to.

The boss was taken aback, and turned to look at the well-dressed girl: "Do you know each other?"

Wen'er turned her head to look at the young man, then shook her head: "I don't know, why? If you don't know, you can't draw your sword to help? My mother said that everyone should help when seeing injustice."

The boss wants to cry but has no tears, who is wronged?He's the victim, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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