Chapter 1567 Cloudy Sky
Chapter 1583

When her voice sounded, the young man set his eyes on her and never looked away.

He found her, at last.

Wen'er had no money on her body, so she touched her ears, and there was a pair of pearl earrings hanging on her ears. She took off the earrings and gave them to the boss: "Is it enough? If not, come and look for me in Wangfu or Wanfu. My name is Zheng. Zheng Nianwen."

Where has the boss seen such good earrings? They are of good quality, and they are worth a lot of money at first glance. His three bowls of noodles are only worth a few bucks.

"Enough is enough, Miss is really generous."

Wen'er pouted and hummed, turned around and left.

The young man hurriedly followed her, she walked, he also walked, she stopped, he also stopped.

After walking all the way like this, Nianwen suddenly turned around and looked at him: "Hey, uncle, why are you following me?"


He touches his face, does he look old?

By the way, she has not regained her mind now, and in her eyes, she is indeed a kind of uncle.

"I - don't - have a home!"

Speaking human language is not an easy task for him, he needs to speak more and practice more.

Wen'er was puzzled: "No home? How could there be no home? Where are your parents?"

"My—mother—is dead, and my father—is gone."

Wen'er approached him and looked him up and down: "Why do you speak so strangely?"

He stared at her face, smelled the breath emanating from her body, and couldn't help laughing: "I—just—learned—to speak."

Wen'er was taken aback for a moment, then covered her stomach and laughed, "What are you kidding? You are so old that you only learned to speak? My mother said I could speak when I was two years old."

Seeing her smile, he laughed too, "Then how old are you now?"

Wen'er thought for a while: "I'm five and a half years old, how about you? How much do you count?"

The man shook his head: "I don't know how old I am. I have never counted it. It must be hundreds of years old."

Wen'er laughed even harder: "You are really interesting, you are serious when you tell jokes, as if they are real."

He just smiled and said nothing, thinking that this is true, you just don't believe it.

"What's your name?" Wen'er asked.

The man shook his head again: "I don't have a name, can you choose one for me?"

Wen'er's eyes lit up, and she nodded excitedly: "Okay, okay, I'll help you get one, um - I have a little friend, it's called Xiaobai, it's my mother's name, it's easy to remember, you How about calling him Xiao Huang, it’s easy to remember.”

little yellow?

The man thought of a farmhouse at the foot of Funiu Mountain. The white cloth that wrapped his lower body was 'taken' from that farmhouse. At that time, a woman rushed out. He didn't dare to chase him, but let a dog from their family chase him. , the dog's name is Xiao Huang. . .

"Not good?" Seeing the man frowning, Wen'er asked.

The man shook his head: "Not good."

"Then I'll think of another one, um—where's Xiaolan?"

The man had black lines all over his hair, and he pursed his lips in silence.

Wen'er scratched her head: "What about Xiao Hei? Is that okay?"


"I thought of it, I thought of a good name." Wen'er suddenly became excited.

But the man can't be happy, maybe it's another floret or something.

Wen'er pointed to the sky and said, "Look how beautiful the day is, the sky is blue and white clouds, why don't you just call it Baiyun, okay?"

A man wants to vomit blood, isn't Baiyun a woman's name?
"Let's call it Yuntian, from now on my name will be Yuntian."

"Yuntian?" Wen'er frowned: "How can Yuntian sound better than Baiyun?"

(End of this chapter)

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