Chapter 1568

Chapter 1584

Yun Tian looked at Wen'er who was looking around, "Are you looking for someone?"

Wen'er nodded, "I was looking for a gourd seller, but I couldn't find it. When I turned around, I found that Brother Jiao had disappeared, and I couldn't find my way home." She was a little frustrated, and finally went out. Unexpectedly, this lost myself.

Yun Tian smiled and said: "It's just right, I am also alone, why don't we be companions."

Wen'er looked at Yuntian with serious eyes: "You are not a liar, right? I heard from my mother that children should not go with strange adults casually. That strange adult may be a liar who will catch children to sell."

Yun Tian said: "Why don't you take a look at yourself, are you really small?"

Wen'er lowered her head and looked at herself, with a puzzled expression on her face. She scratched her head and said, "Yeah, why did I grow up all of a sudden? Brother Jiao also grew up. I really don't understand why. Obviously I just grew up. He's only five years old, so is Brother Jiao..."

Yun Tian sighed, he is really stupid, what's the use of telling her these things now?

He reached for her hand.

She dodged subconsciously, but she didn't dodge. Her hand fell firmly into Yuntian's hand. His hand was very cold, like ice. She wanted to withdraw her hand, but found that his strength was surprisingly strong. , I have been completely controlled by him, and I can't shake off his hand at all.

"Hey, why are you holding my hand, let go quickly."

Yun Tian shook his head: "No, once I let go, what will you do if you run away?"

Wen'er was dumbfounded: "Are you really a bad person who kidnapped children?"

Yun Tian smiled slightly: "I'm a bad person, but I don't kidnap children."

On the other side, Zhou Jiao's guards have all been dispatched, planning to search Liuli City.

Zhou Jiao, with a guard, met a noodle stall on the way, and saw the stall owner smiling and playing with a pair of pearl earrings.

These pearl earrings looked very familiar. He just gave Wen'er a pair of pearl earrings yesterday. They are the latest style of Zhucuilou, and this is the only pair.

Zhou Jiao stepped forward and asked the stall owner, "Where did this earring come from?"

The stall owner hurriedly hid the earring behind his back, and said loudly, "I bought this for my wife, it's none of your business."

Zhou Jiao said coldly, "You bought it for your wife? Do you know how much these earrings cost?"

The stall owner said: "You don't care how much it costs, it's up to you. If you don't want to eat noodles, go away if you don't want to eat. Don't disturb my business."

The guard was about to draw his sword, but Zhou Jiao waved his hand, took out an ingot of silver from his pocket, and threw it directly in front of the stall owner: "Speak."

When the stall owner saw this style, he didn't dare to lie again, and immediately told what happened just now, not forgetting to add fuel and vinegar to make the situation very tense at that time.

Zhou Jiao concluded that the girl he was talking about was Wen'er, and hurriedly asked, "Where did they go?"

The stall owner pointed in the direction: "I don't know where she went, but I saw the girl go there, and the disheveled young man followed immediately, and I don't know where she went now."

Zhou Jiao hurriedly led his guards to chase, and sure enough, he found Wen'er and the disheveled man on the other side of the long street.

"Let go of her." Zhou Jiao roared angrily, and she saw that Wen'er seemed to be restrained by him, unable to break free from his restraint.

Yun Tian turned his head and saw the fierce-looking young man walking towards him step by step, his handsome brows slightly narrowed, thinking of what Qi Rongyue said when he left the cold pool, he immediately guessed his identity.

(End of this chapter)

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