Chapter 1571 But he is Zhou Jiao.

Chapter 1587

If it was someone else, he would have already raised the knife and cut it with his hand.

But he is Zhou Jiao.

Without further ado, Rong Yue took out the needle bag and asked Wan Kun to take off his clothes. Zhou Jiao's skin had already been frozen purple by the cold in his body, and his whole body was icy cold. If this continued, once his blood froze, he would undoubtedly die.

Since she learned this acupuncture method, she has used it twice. The first time was when she traveled with her master to the foot of a snow-capped mountain and rescued a person who got lost in the snow-capped mountain and escaped from the snow-capped mountain. Ranger.

Although the ranger was dying at that time, the cold poison accumulated in his body, but the cold poison was just an ordinary cold air, which was different from Zhou Jiao's. She was not very sure, so she could only try her best at the moment.

Zheng Zhongwen outside the door was very anxious, not only worried about Jiao Er's injury, but also worried about Wen'er who was kidnapped. At this time, they didn't even know who the other party was, not to mention, what was the reason for that person to kidnap Wen'er? The purpose, they do not know.

"Who is the person with the princess? What does he look like?"

The guard shook his head: "Go back to the lord, that man is in his early twenties, we really don't know who he is, and the crown prince doesn't know him either. Oh, by the way, the princess seems to call him Yuntian."

Sky?Among the top masters in the Jianghu, is there such a person?How has he never heard of it?
"You mean to say that the princess knows this Yuntian?"

The guard shook his head again: "I don't know whether I know my subordinates or not. You know the princess's situation. Although she has recovered some memories these days, her mind is still at the age of five. We can't say much about many things."

"What else did they say?"

The guard turned to look at a young man standing in the corner of the courtyard, and said loudly, "Xiaoqi, come here."

"My lord, Xiao Qi was by the prince's side at that time, he may have heard something."

Zheng Zhongwen asked Xiaoqi: "What have you heard? Tell the truth, there must not be a single word omitted."

Xiao Qi quickly recalled the scene at that time. He was always by His Royal Highness's side, and he did hear some words, "Go back to the prince, that person doesn't know His Royal Highness, but he knows that His Royal Highness stole the princess, His Royal Highness I was quite surprised at the time, and asked him who he was, but he refused to say."

Zheng Zhongwen's complexion changed slightly: "He said he knew Jiao Er stole Wen Er? Did he really say that?"

Xiaoqi nodded: "It's absolutely true, my subordinates dare not say a half-truth."

Since Wen'er was taken away by Zhou Jiao in Funiu Mountain, it was only [-] days. During these [-] days, they only mentioned this matter to Zhou An, and no one else.

Although he didn't like Zhou An, he believed that Zhou An would not play tricks behind his back.

What's more, the person who took Wen'er away also injured Zhou Jiao.

So who is it?How did he know about Wen'er and Zhou Jiao?

Zheng Zhongwen asked Xiao Qi: "Can you see the number of martial arts of this person?"

Xiao Qi shook his head: "This person didn't make any moves at all."

"What? Didn't make a move? How did you, Jiao Er, get hurt like this?"

Xiao Qi recalled the situation at that time, and now he can feel the cold air, and he is very scared: "The man just waved his hand, and His Highness the Crown Prince was seriously injured. He didn't even have a weapon, and he only wrapped a white cloth around his lower body. With disheveled hair, no shoes, and not very good at speaking, it's very weird."

(End of this chapter)

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