Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1572 Genius Awakens Suddenly

Chapter 1572 Genius Awakens Suddenly
Chapter 1588

Zheng Zhongwen was thinking about it, but he really couldn't think of such a number one person in Jianghu. It is said that a person with such high martial arts, even if he is not from Jianghu, he can still hear about it, but he has nothing about this person. information.

"It seems that we can only talk about it when Zhou Jiao wakes up." I'm afraid, even Zhou Jiao doesn't know the origin of this person, so where is he going to find Wen'er?
On a green hill outside Liuli City, Yuntian brought Wen'er to the mountain, Wen'er said he was hungry, so he caught two rabbits, and planned to learn how Qi Rongyue grilled fish and roast the rabbits.

Wen'er, however, held the rabbit tightly and refused to give him the rabbit. He had no choice but to go into the water to catch the fish. After tossing for a long time, he finally set the fish rack on fire.

At this time, Wen'er had already released the two rabbits, and ran back excitedly: "Is it ready? I'm so hungry."

Yun Tian shook his head: "Not yet, just wait."

Wen'er sat down beside him, felt the chill emanating from his body, felt very cool, and quickly leaned against him again, "You are so cool, so comfortable."

Her arm was next to his, warm and soft, and a faint fragrance penetrated into his nostrils, making him feel comfortable after smelling it.

He hooked his lips and smiled coldly: "Don't you feel cold?"

Wen'er shook her head: "It's not cold, it's cool, it feels very comfortable."

The smile on his face was even worse. There seemed to be a crack in his hard and cold heart, and the warmth of a girl's fragrance was invading through the crack bit by bit.

Wen'er's slender white fingers suddenly grabbed his arm, hugged him tightly, and leaned Zicheng's face against it: "It's so cool." With a smile on her lips, she fell asleep in the blink of an eye.

Listening to the even breathing sound from the people around him, Yun Tian's indifferent face slowly showed a trace of tenderness, it turned out that this is the feeling of being relied on by someone.

It turned out that being hugged by her felt like this, as if that extremely cold heart was about to be melted by her.

There was a slight movement from the bushes not far away, he frowned slightly, and his handsome eyes swept towards the bushes coldly.

Suddenly, a huge tiger jumped out from behind the bushes, the tiger's paw slammed at Nianwen, and its sharp teeth bit Nianwen's slender neck.

Yun Tian snorted coldly: "Looking for death." He didn't move, he just stretched out his left hand and waved lightly, a burst of extremely cold energy shot out from the palm of his hand, knocking the tiger to the ground.

The tiger's huge body twitched a few times on the ground and then died.

The black and yellow striped fur was quickly covered with a thin layer of frost, as if a corpse had been placed in the snowy cold river.

The tiger's roar just now resounded through the valley, even if the battle ended in an instant, the sound that had already been made could not be taken back.

The strange thing is that Nianwen didn't wake up, and still slept soundly.

Yun Tian put his hand on her forehead, and closed his eyes to feel the recovery from the suffocation in her brain.

Opening his eyes after a while, he looked down at the sleeping girl lying in Zicheng's arms, and said softly: "It seems that you will recover your memory soon."

If she hadn't been stolen by Zhou Jiao that day and brought her into the cold pool after recovering her skills, she might have recovered by now.

Today she came to him again, nourished by the extremely cold air in his body, which aroused the cold zone hidden in her blood since birth, like a genius whose blood had been dormant for many years suddenly awakened.

(End of this chapter)

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