Chapter 1573 Skills

Chapter 1589

The cold zone will make her martial arts advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, and because of her special physique, even if her blood is awakened, she will not become as cold as him, making it impossible for ordinary people to get close.

She didn't wake up until the fish on the fire was roasting, she was always nestled in his arms, and fell asleep sweetly.

He hugged her and came to a cave. There was a dusty stone bed in the cave. There were still some firewood piled up in the cave, as well as some ashes that had not been cleaned.

He put Wen'er on the stone bed, and made another fire in the cave. Making a fire is a new skill he learned. When he was still a cold dragon, he didn't need to do this kind of thing, but now he is a human being. If you want to do this kind of thing, you must know it.

There was a little beast running by outside, he threw a stone casually, the little beast fell down in response, he picked up the little beast, directly tore off its two legs, tore off the outer skin, and just put the bloody beast legs on the fire bake.

He is not very familiar with roasting meat, and he doesn't know how to add salt and seasonings. He thinks that as long as it is cooked, it must be delicious.

But who knows, when he ate the meat he roasted, he couldn't swallow it. . .

The next morning, Yun Tian sat at the entrance of the cave and meditated. In the mountains in the early morning, there was a cool breeze and the morning dew was slightly chilly. This was his favorite morning. Meditating at this time was especially refreshing.

Nianwen lying on the stone bed opened her eyes at this moment, her beautiful eyes looked at the ceiling of the cave in a daze, her mind was a little dizzy, what happened to her?where is thisWhy is she here?

Memories flowed into her mind like a stream, bloody, chilling, life and death.

That night, she stayed by Wan Kun's side, feeling that his life was leaving bit by bit, and realized that she was about to lose him.

She cried on top of him, begging him not to die, not to leave her.

She saw a beam of white light in the blood hole in Wan Kun's chest, she tried to see what it was, but couldn't see anything, and after that, she couldn't remember anything.

Later, she woke up, and she was in the water, which was very icy and cold, but she felt very comfortable, not cold at all.

There was a very big cold dragon by her side, she didn't remember anything at that time, she only thought of herself as a child.

Han Jiao took her to meet her mother and father, and then took her to a very magical place, where the beasts were very big, surprisingly big, and the flowers, plants and trees were all ten times and a hundred times bigger than the ones she had ever seen before. .

The beasts there are very hostile to her, except Han Jiao.

In order to protect her, Han Jiao almost used up all his strength, and sent her back to her parents, and it sank to the bottom of the pool to recuperate, while Brother Jiao secretly took her away from Mount Funiu.

She remembered all the memories, including the man in front of her right now.

Who is he?Why take her away from Zhou Jiao?Why was her amnesia cured after only one day by his side?
When she opened her eyes, he also opened them, but didn't move, he was waiting for her to move.

He wanted to know that she had recovered her memory, so what was the first thing she would do after recovering her memory?
So he didn't move.

Nian Wen looked at his back, his upper body was bare, his lower body was wrapped in a white cloth, his black hair was loose, and his face could not be seen.

She remembered his face, that face was very handsome, but there was an indifference that no stranger should get close to.

He said he didn't have a name, so she gave him many names, Baiyun?She pursed her lips. Fortunately, he did not agree to use this name.

(End of this chapter)

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