Chapter 1574

Chapter 1590

She sat up and said to the motionless figure, "Yuntian!"

Even though he was a stranger, he didn't hurt her. He had the opportunity and ability to hurt her, but he didn't. She knew he wouldn't.

Yun Tian was slightly stunned, it turned out that when she called a person's name normally, she had such a voice, it was really nice.

He didn't turn around, and his figure still didn't move: "Aren't you afraid of me?"

Lianwen got off the bed, stood by the bed and looked at him: "Why should I be afraid of you?"

He laughed, yes, why should she be afraid of him, he never intended to hurt her.

She took a green jade hairpin from her head, and walked slowly behind him, "Your hair is too messy, let me help you hairpin."

Yun Tian thought of Zhou Jiao who he saw in Liuli City yesterday, Zhou Jiao's hair was crowned on the top of his head, and the button touched an exquisite jade crown.

Is that the hairpin girl she was talking about?
Before he could respond, her hands had already lifted his hair, pulled up all the hair above his ears, tied it into a small bun, and fixed it with a jade hairpin.

This hairstyle is Wan Kun's most common hairstyle.

"Okay." She let go of her hand and took a step back.

Yun Tian felt that his head and face were refreshed a lot, no wonder human beings like to tie their hair.

He got up, turned around slowly, and looked at the girl who had been standing behind him.

Wen'er smiled lightly: "Yun Tian, ​​I don't know who you are, and I don't know why you brought me here, but I know that you have no ill intentions towards me. Now, I'm leaving, and my parents can't find me." , must be very anxious, I have to go back to them."

Yun Tian's stretched handsome eyebrows slightly frowned: "You want to go?"

Wen'er nodded as a matter of course, "Of course."


of course!

He remembered that day, when he was resting at the bottom of the pool, Qi Rongyue's voice came from the mouth of the pool, so anxious and anxious.

After so many days, she still hasn't found her daughter, so she must be very anxious.

"But do you know where they are?" Yun Tian asked.

Read the text and shook his head: "I don't know, but I think they will definitely go to the Zhou Palace. I will send a letter back to the Zhou Palace first. I believe Uncle Zhou will find a way to find them."

"What about you?" Yun Tian asked.

She turned her head and looked in the distance outside the cave, in the direction of Chu Chao.

"I'm going back to Chudu first." Is Wan Kun still alive?

What happened that night before she fell into a coma?What happened after she passed out?
Yun Tian shrugged: "Since you have no other companions, do you mind if I go with you?"

She withdrew her gaze and looked at Yuntian fixedly: "Yuntian, who are you?" He suddenly appeared in front of her and took her away from Zhou Jiao suddenly, and she suddenly woke up.

All of this was so sudden that she didn't believe it was just a coincidence.

Yun Tian smiled lightly: "I am Yun Tian, ​​your friend."

"You know what I'm asking and can't tell?"

Yun Tian shrugged, "It's not that I can't say it, but I don't know how to say it, maybe it's not the time to say it, Wen'er, can I call you that?"

She nodded.

He said again: "Wen'er, believe me, I will never hurt you, let me stay by your side."

She looked at his extremely serious face, and suddenly smiled: "If I say no, will you leave?"

He shook his head, still serious: "In this world, I only know you, and you are the only friend. You don't want to get rid of me, I will be by your side, always, always."

(End of this chapter)

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