Chapter 1575

Chapter 1591

He didn't say anything, perhaps because of his difficulties.

He wants to stay, maybe there is his purpose.

No matter what it is, she believes that he will not hurt her.

He was powerful enough that if he wanted to hurt her, or plan to do something, he didn't need to pretend at all.

She nodded with a smile: "Since I am powerless to change the status quo, what else is there to say? Let's go together!"

Yun Tian bent his lips, and a faint smile flowed from his eyes, overflowed to the corners of his lips, and spread to the entire face.

She looked sideways and saw that the roasted animal leg he had put in the corner had already been scorched on the outside, but red blood was still oozing out from inside.

Of the two roasted beast legs, only one was bitten on the top.

Looks like someone didn't have a good dinner.

The bonfire in the cave was not completely extinguished, she added some dry wood to the fire, and said to Yuntian: "Bring two more animal legs, I'm hungry, I'm not full, I'm afraid I won't have the energy to go on my way."

Yun Tian nodded, turned around and walked out of the cave, picked up the little beast that was thrown out of the cave yesterday, tore off the other two legs, violently tore off the fur, took it back into the cave, and handed it to Wen'er.

As the fire started to rise, she took the animal leg, cut the animal leg into pieces with a soft sword wrapped around her waist, and then inserted it on a sharpened wooden stick, "It's easier to cut it into small pieces and roast it Cooked." She grilled the meat on the fire, turning it over from time to time.

Yun Tian sat down beside her, smelling the aroma of barbecue, shrugged his shoulders: "I thought that as long as it is roasted on the fire, delicious food can be roasted."

She turned her head to look at his handsome side face, and asked curiously, "You don't even know how to barbecue, so what do you usually eat?" Looking at him, he doesn't look like someone with money, he doesn't even know how to barbecue If so, I can't imagine what he eats every day.

Yun Tian wanted to say that although barbecue was delicious, but because he didn't know how to do it and found it troublesome, he always ate raw meat. When he was in the cold pool, he ate raw meat, and after leaving the cold pool, he ate raw meat.

Only yesterday when he came to Liuli City and ate three bowls of beef noodles at the noodle stall, that was the first normal food he ate since he became a human.

In the end, he didn't say these words, but said in a low voice: "The wild fruit on the tree tastes good too."

Eating wild fruits can grow so tall and strong?

Obviously not.

"Really?" She smiled lightly, and didn't ask any more questions. He seemed to be a person with many secrets, and he didn't even want to tell her what he ate on weekdays.

She handed the roasted meat to his hand, "Without seasoning, the taste will be worse, you should try it first."

Yun Tian took the barbecue from her, opened his mouth and took a bite.

She just wanted to say be careful, but he had already swallowed the meat.

"Is it delicious?" Careful hotness turned into "Is it delicious?"

Yun Tian nodded: "It's delicious, very fragrant." Saying that, he took another bite.

More than ten years ago, the first human delicacy it ate was the fish her mother grilled by the cold pool.

Perhaps from then on, deep in its heart, it began to be curious about human beings.

Ten years later, it tasted the same food again, as a human being.

Humans' sense of taste is more sensitive than that of cold flood dragons, and they can clearly distinguish whether food is good or bad as soon as they eat it. They swallow it if it tastes good, and spit it out if it tastes bad. This is the instinctive reaction of human beings.

And when he was cold, he ate raw meat, living raw meat, he couldn't remember how it tasted, maybe it didn't taste at all, it was eaten just to feed his hunger, that's all.

(End of this chapter)

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