Chapter 1576

Chapter 1592

Seeing that he ate deliciously, Wen'er only ate a small piece, and gave him the rest.

"That's all you eat?" He raised his eyebrows, even though he ate most of the barbecue, he still felt hungry, but she only ate a small piece.

She smiled lightly: "I don't have a big appetite, you can eat."

He was not polite, took the rest of the barbecue, and devoured it in one bite.

When he ate, he was rough, biting, chewing, swallowing, and making embarrassing noises, which was in stark contrast to his handsome appearance and noble temperament.

She wants to correct him, but look at the environment here, that's all, when I return to the capital, I will teach him well.

There is a stream at the foot of the green hill, which is the spring water flowing down from the top of the green hill, which is cool and sweet.

She squatted by the water to wash her face and hands.

Following her example, he washed his face with water and rubbed his palms.

She got up, walked to his side, and grabbed his hand, "You still have blood in your fingers, it's dirty, you need to wash it clean."

She grabbed his hand, pressed it into the water, and scrubbed him clean little by little.

His hands were very cold, very cold, like ice dug out from the depths of a glacier for thousands of years. The strange thing was that it was so cold, but she felt it was a very comfortable temperature, and even had a sense of intimacy.

How the hell did she feel that way.

When she got up, she caught a glimpse of the downstream of the small stream, and a thin layer of ice had formed on the surface of the water.

As his hand left the water, the thin layer of ice quickly melted away.

"What kind of gong do you practice?" she asked.

Yun Tian shook his head: "I haven't practiced any kung fu, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that you have a very pitiful coldness on your body, even this flowing stream can be condensed into ice by your coldness, which shows how terrifying the coldness in your body is."

Yun Tian snorted, but his face remained unchanged: "It's innate, it's not made through practice."

is it?

She didn't ask back, so what he said was what he said, anyway, even if she asked, he wouldn't say it.

After going down the mountain, they didn't go back to Glazed City, but went directly to the north. The north was the direction of Chu Chao, her hometown, and the place where Wan Kun was. She had to go back as soon as possible.


Glass City, Jinxiu Village.

Zheng Zhongwen, who had been waiting anxiously outside the door, finally couldn't wait anymore. Time passed little by little, from dawn to dusk.

The closed door has never been opened.

He rushed to the door, and gently pushed open the half-closed door. Wan Kun was sitting beside the bed, giving Zhou Jiao an extremely fast needle, and Rong Yue was sitting on the other side of the bed with a tired face. At one end, he kept passing needles to Wan Kun.

It was cold in the room, much colder than outside.

Walking to Rong Yue's side, he asked in a low voice, "How's it going?"

Rong Yue focused on the movements in her hands, and didn't look up at him, so as not to be distracted, she just whispered: "It's hard to say now, but the situation has improved, you go out first, and it will be almost the same in two hours. .”

Two more hours?By then, it will be dawn, even if this kid wakes up, where else can they go to find Wen'er?
Zhongwen sighed, didn't say anything, turned around and went out, obediently waiting outside.

As soon as he left the front foot, Xiao Qi and the others surrounded him: "My lord, how is your Highness the Crown Prince?"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "It's hard to say, let's wait and see." He doesn't know the actual situation, so it's better not to give them hope casually, so as not to be even more disappointed when they get it.

(End of this chapter)

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