Chapter 1578

Chapter 1594

That person's strength is so strong that he has never seen before. If that person wants to kill him, he only needs to do it with one palm, but he doesn't have one, and he is still alive.

"What about Wen'er?" Rong Yue asked again, with a nervous expression on her face.

Zhou Jiao shook his head: "He doesn't seem to have any malice towards Wen'er. Although he forcibly took Wen'er away, he didn't hurt Wen'er. Wen'er even gave him a name, what is it called, Yuntian?"

Rong Yue breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she had no ill intentions towards Wen'er, as long as Wen'er was still alive, they would always find her.

Zhong Wen said to Zhou Jiao: "Maybe they haven't left this glazed city yet, if you want to find them, you need the help of the prince."

Zhou Jiao understood, and hurriedly said to the guards beside him, "Quickly take my token and go to the Yamen to dispatch troops. Even if we turn Liuli City upside down, we must find them."

The guards led away, leaving only the three of them, master and apprentice, in the room.

Rong Yue no longer shied away, and asked Zhou Jiao straightforwardly: "Jiao Er, tell Master, what exactly do you want to do when you take Wen'er away?"

Zhou Jiao's face turned red, he knew that something like this would happen sooner or later, but he never thought that it would come so fast, so fast.

"Master, I like Wen'er. I have liked Wen'er since I was a child. When my life was darkest, she walked into my life and lit a bright light for me. She is always by my side, comforting me and encouraging me. , spend beautiful days with me, Wen'er has taken root in my life, she is a part of my life, I can't bear the pain of losing her, I can't lose him."

"So you stole her like a thief?" Zhong Wen raised his eyebrows, looked at Zhou Jiao, and naturally thought of Zhou An, the man who almost caused him to lose his love.

That man is Zhou Jiao's father.

Sure enough, the son inherited his father's business!

Zhou Jiao lowered his head, facing such an accusation, he had nothing to refute.

Rong Yue said: "Jiao Er, have you ever thought that Wen'er will recover her memory sooner or later, then how will you explain it to her?"

Zhou Jiao looked blank, he thought about it, but he didn't know.

"You grew up with Wen'er, and you should know her temperament. She is a very strong child. If she knows that you have acted like a robber in order to possess her, what will she think of you? This stolen affection, Do you think you can hold it?"

He shook his head, clutching his black hair tightly with both hands: "I don't know, I don't know."

"Jiao Er, I think your father must have told you that it is impossible to get happiness if you force it. If you force it, you will only destroy yourself and the person you love."

Zheng Zhongwen snorted coldly, and said with a snort: "His father may tell him that if he can't get it naturally, he can only use some means. No matter what the process is, if he gets it, he gets it, right?"

Zhou Jiao shook his head, "No, my father didn't say that. He once warned me that a twisted melon is not sweet. If it belongs to me, there is no need to force it. If it doesn't belong to me, it is useless to force it. Stay with me, but I--"

"But you are not reconciled, you are not reconciled to the girl you have liked for more than ten years, you are not reconciled to losing to others, and you are not reconciled to giving up before you have tried hard, are you?" Rong Yue pressed.

Zhou Jiao nodded: "Yes, I am not reconciled, that's why I did this kind of thing, I want to take advantage of Wen'er's current situation, stay with her, let her gradually like me and rely on me, But--"

(End of this chapter)

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