Chapter 1579

Chapter 1595

"But you found out that you were wrong. From the beginning to the end, Wen'er only regarded you as a brother. It doesn't matter whether you are three or five years old, or 13 or 15 years old. It's the same. No matter how hard you try, you can't change it."

"Jiao Er, it's not your fault, nor Wen'er's fault, nor Kun'er's fault. Feelings are a very mysterious feeling. This feeling is only produced in one person's heart. It is unrequited love. When two people have it in their hearts at the same time, that is love.”

"Jiao Er, I watched you and Kun'er grow up. You are both outstanding. The reason why Wen'er chose Kun'er was not because you left during that time, let alone because you were not around, so Kun'er chose Kun'er. Er took advantage of the void and filled the vacancy. Kun'er, like you, liked Wen'er when he was very young, but his way of liking was different from yours. Maybe his way is more suitable for the eccentric Wen'er , and you, in Wen'er's heart, are always a younger brother."

Zhou Jiao was a little puzzled, he looked at Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen in a daze: "Master, what do you mean by that? Wen'er and Wan Kun? Are they—are they together?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "That's right, Wen'er accepted Wan Kun, and I knew it not too long ago, but this is also within my expectation."

Zhou Jiao's face was pale and his mouth was open, but he didn't know what to say.

He thought that even if Wen'er didn't like him now, her heart was free, and with his hard work, he would win her heart sooner or later.

Now it seems that he was wrong, very wrong.

"Okay, you can rest first, if you have anything to say, wait until you find Wen'er." She sighed, turned and left the room.

The advent of what love is?

The word love has hurt so many passionate young people, and the word love has hurt the hearts of many men and women.


After Nianwen and Yuntian left Qingshan, they kept heading north. After walking the official road for a day, they finally saw a small town.

Nianwen jumped up excitedly: "I can finally buy a horse, my two legs are almost useless."

Yun Tian has wandered around the human world for a while, and already knows that buying things cost money, "Are you rich?"

Read the text and shook his head: "I don't have it, but Wan Kun has it. Their Wanjia's properties spread all over the Chu and Zhou dynasties. There must be Wanjia's business firms in the city ahead. It shouldn't be difficult for me to ask them for some money. of."

Yun Tian doesn't know who this Wan Kun is, but every time she mentions Wan Kun, the smile on her face is extraordinarily bright. When she talks to him, the smile is much brighter.

He felt a little uncomfortable, and he didn't know why he felt uncomfortable.

The two entered the city, made many inquiries in the city, and found a Wanwutang.

The shopkeepers in Wanwutang are locals from the Zhou Dynasty, and they don't know much about the affairs of the Chu Dynasty. After reading the text to identify themselves, they can't judge the authenticity.

"Miss Zheng, it's not that we don't want to help you, it's that we can't tell the truth from what you said."

Zheng Nianwen was a little anxious, there was only one strand of hair left on her head, and the pearl earrings on her ears had been given to someone else, and now only a pair of gold bracelets were left on her hands, which was a gift from Zhou Jiao, although she never liked it. Gold and silver things, but this is Zhou Jiao's wish after all, and he is a bit reluctant to accept it like this.

After thinking about it, she took a gold bracelet from her left hand and handed it to the shopkeeper: "Shopkeeper Yao, this red gold bracelet was given to me by a friend of mine. I cherish it very much. If it wasn't for the urgent need to return to the Chu Dynasty No matter what, I'm not willing to be a entanglement."

(End of this chapter)

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