Chapter 158 Still Alive
Lord Yin nodded hurriedly and said yes, he didn't dare to stimulate his son's emotions at all, he never thought that his son, who had only seen Qi Rongyue not many times, would have such deep affection for Qi Rongyue.

The mouthful of blood in front of the cliff that day scared him a lot.

It is a good thing for a man to emphasize affection, but it may not be a good thing to place too much emphasis on the affection of children.



"My lord, there seems to be someone there!" Sangui tugged at Zheng Zhongwen who was fishing, and pointed at the pile of dead wood by the river.

Zheng Zhongwen looked sideways, saw a corner of the robe, frowned and said: "There are really people, this winter, I am afraid they are already dead, Sangui, go and see."

Sangui's face turned pale, and he quickly shook his head: "I'm not going."

Zheng Zhongwen threw down the fishing rod in his hand, and said dissatisfiedly: "Look at your cowardice, aren't you a dead man? As for being so scared?" He got up and strode towards the pile of dead wood, only to see a snow-white arm Holding a piece of dead wood tightly, his black hair was blurred to his face, and he couldn't see his face clearly.

He murmured to himself, "Are you dead or not?"

Sangui didn't dare to approach, and said to Zheng Zhongwen from a distance: "My lord, let's go, this man has been dead for some time, he must be smelly."

Zheng Zhongwen ignored him, bent down, and reached out to grab the woman's arm. The arm was still warm, and it seemed that she was not dead. He pulled her up from the water with all his strength, and shouted: "I chose such a remote place." Jumping into the river, it seems that you have the heart to die, but why do you want to hold on to the dead tree?"

Sangui took a few steps forward again, and asked Zheng Zhongwen, "My lord, why are you still pulling me up?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and help, you are not dead, you are alive!"

As soon as Sangui heard that he was alive, his tense mood immediately relaxed a lot, and he hurriedly moved forward, saw the weakly rising and falling chest, and said with a smile: "Hey—she is really alive, she is really lucky, to be able to meet You, sir, are truly a great blessing."

Zheng Zhongwen said: "I don't know how long it's been after soaking in this icy river. If she doesn't die, she will die with half her life. Hurry up, take off your clothes and cover her, and I'll go make a fire."

As soon as Sangui heard this, he got cold before he took off his clothes. In this winter, and beside the windy river, he felt cold even without taking off his clothes.

Zheng Zhongwen saw his reluctance, and hummed: "Look at what you mean, you want me to take it off?"

Sangui shook his head quickly: "No, no, I'll take it off, I'll take it off—" He swiftly unbuttoned his clothes, took off the cotton coat outside, and covered the unconscious woman.

Seeing the white and tender half of the woman's arm like a lotus root, he thought to himself that this woman must be good looking, so he reached out and brushed away the hair covering the whole face.

It doesn't matter if you don't flirt, you'll be startled if you flirt.

This face, this face is clearly Miss Qi!
Hearing Sangui Gui's cry, Zheng Zhongwen looked at him and said with a smile, "Why? The girl is too ugly, did she scare you?"

Sangui got up, pointed to Qi Rongyue on the ground and said, "Mr., Mr., yes, it's Miss Qi!"

When Zheng Zhongwen, who was holding a few logs of firewood, heard this, he threw all the firewood in his hand on the ground, and quickly ran over. That pale, bloodless face, that haggard face, was clearly Qi Rongyue. !
"How could this be, how could this be?" He quickly squatted down, his calm heart began to become flustered, he slapped her face: "Miss Qi, Miss Qi, wake up, wake up!"

(End of this chapter)

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