Chapter 159 Heating
Qi Rongyue was like a dead person, she didn't react at all, if her chest was not still heaving, he would definitely think she was dead.

He stared at Sangui in a panic: "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and start a fire!"

He held her hand, her hand was as cold as ice, and her lips were as cold as blue.

Cold, she must be cold.

He hurriedly took off the cotton robe on his body, wrapped her around her, and then shook his head: "No, she is wearing wet clothes, no matter how much she wraps up, it's useless."

So he opened two more cotton robes, took off Qi Rongyue's drenched cotton coat, and the thick middle coat, leaving only the thin underwear and trousers, then held her in his arms, The temperature of my body warms her up.

He could feel her weakness, his hands were trembling slightly in a panic, he turned his head and shouted to Sangui: "Are you alright?"

Sangui hurriedly said: "Hurry up!!" The thick smoke has already risen, and the flames are going up little by little. Thanks to their frequent fishing, the skill of making fire is practiced for grilling fish, so it is not in vain practice.

Zheng Zhongwen came to the fire with Qi Rongyue in his arms, he held her tightly in his arms, and wrapped her in two cotton padded clothes.

Zheng Zhongwen said to Sangui: "Hurry up, you can find a carriage, you can't stay here, we have to go to a nearby fishing village, and we have to find a doctor for her." He had never been so flustered, never had this picture He was so scared, he was so afraid that this flower-like life would die in his arms.

Sangui first put Qi Rongyue's drenched clothes to roast by the fire, then trotted away from the river to find a car.

There are no people around here, and there is no Zhuangzi, don't even think about a carriage, but he remembered that there was a tea mountain two miles away from here, and there were a few thatched sheds there. An ox cart, no horse cart, an ox cart is fine.

The cold body finally warmed up gradually, but it was still weak. He hugged her tightly and kept calling her name, but she didn't even respond at all. He kept cursing Sangui in his heart, telling him to go Looking for a carriage, why have I been here for so long.

After another hour, Sangui finally came back with an ox cart. The ox cart is usually used to pull goods. It is very simple. In order for Miss Qi to lie comfortably, Sangui specially laid thick hay inside. , I went to the owner of the ox cart and bought a clean quilt. Although it was not as comfortable as the carriage, it would not suffer from the cold.

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly took out the clothes that had just been dried, and put them on for Qi Rongyue hurriedly. After all, he was a man, so it was easy to untie the clothes and difficult to put them on, so why are the buttons so difficult to button?When he was in a hurry, he accidentally tore off the buttons of her obscene clothes, revealing a piece of white snow on her chest, and on that piece of white skin, a fiery mark of fireworks jumped into his eyes.

He was stunned, the imprint of the fireworks was exactly the same as the pattern on the jade pendant he once gave to the eldest princess.

Sangui over there shouted: "Young Master, are you ready?" Sangui looked at the young master from a distance, quite surprised in his heart, the young master usually dislikes having contact with women, and also hates women approaching him. Help Miss Qi get dressed?
Zheng Zhongwen shook his head, stopped thinking about it, hurriedly dressed Qi Rongyue, carried her into the ox cart.

The nearest village to the river is also five miles away. If you ride a horse, the five miles are nothing, but this ox cart is slow, not as fast as riding a horse. It takes an hour to walk nearly It took three hours to arrive, but Zheng Zhongwen was so anxious that he really wanted to kill the old cow to eat meat.

(End of this chapter)

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