Chapter 160 Small Village

The village lives by the river, needless to say the wind is strong, the winter is very cold, although the river is not frozen, but there are very few people who go out to fish, there are boats docked in twos and threes around the river, and people gather on the bank to wash clothes Woman with quilt.

Sangui led the horse forward, stood behind those women, and asked: "Every sister-in-law, let me ask, is there a doctor here?"

The women turned their heads to look at him, and saw a well-dressed young man. Behind the young man was an extraordinary gentleman. The young man was pulling an old ox cart and two tall horses. The scene was a bit strange. Wearing such a demeanor should only match a horse, not an old ox cart.

A woman said: "You are not from the neighborhood, how come you come here to find a doctor?"

Sangui hurriedly said: "To tell you the truth, we came here to play, but my lady was too playful, accidentally fell into the water, suffered from severe wind and cold, and needed medical treatment as soon as possible, so I found this place nearby .”

The woman nodded: "So that's how it is. It's a coincidence that you came here. There is indeed a doctor in our village who is a traveling doctor. He goes around to treat people and rarely comes back. He happened to be in the village these two days. You go to the village to find him." It will be done."

Seeing that this woman is very kind, Sangui has a good impression of her in his heart, and thinks that it is already late at this time, and it is impossible to rush back to the inn in Chaoyang City, and he must stay overnight here today. With a full smile, he said to the woman: "Sister-in-law, do you have any vacancies at home? We have traveled this way and brought another patient. I am afraid that we will not be able to go back today. I will stay with you for one night." How are you?"

The woman hesitated a little. There were two vacant rooms in the house, but they were unoccupied and not very clean. It would be too troublesome to clean them temporarily.

Sangui hurriedly took out a silver ingot from his pocket and stuffed it into the woman's hand: "Sister-in-law, this is the house money, please help me."

The woman's palms sank, this ingot of silver weighed three or two ounces, she had never seen such a large ingot of silver, and the color was so good, she just spent one night in her broken house, how could she use it After seeing so many, I felt sorry, and hurriedly waved my hands: "This is too much, I dare not accept it."

Sangui hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law don't have to refuse, I'm sorry!"

The woman is also smart, knowing that she has met a nobleman, this money is a huge sum of money to her, but to this kind of nobleman, it is not even a drop in the bucket, they are just looking for convenience, then she just needs to do it They are convenient.

The woman didn't wash her clothes anymore, and led the nobleman to the village under the envious eyes of everyone.

The woman led them back to her own yard first, and swiftly changed the room where her family lived with clean quilts, letting the sick young lady live first.

"Mr. Zheng, Brother Sangui, take a rest first. I'll call Doctor Ma for you. He'll live in the front and will be here in a while."

Zheng Zhongwen winked at Sangui, and Sangui hurriedly said, "I'll go with you!"

The two went out together, Zheng Zhongwen sat by the bed, looked at the pale and bloodless face, his flustered heart was seized by anger, what happened to her, why did she appear alone in that deserted place, with a wound on her leg? There were knife wounds, and the clothes were covered with a large amount of blood. Obviously, this was not a simple fall into the river.

(End of this chapter)

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