Chapter 1582

Chapter 1598

Her eyes glanced at the temples and chin of 'General Zhong'. Ordinary people may not be able to see anything, but Lianwen is not an ordinary person. Her disguise technique is from Jian Yun's true biography. Although 'General Zhong''s disguise technique is exquisite , but still can't escape her eyes.

It seems that something happened to Uncle Zhong. Thinking about the swords worn by these two guards, they look like the weapons of Dongyue Kingdom. Dongyue Kingdom is adjacent to Chu Chaodong. The border is not big, at least not big compared to Chu Dynasty. , is a country with very fierce folk customs. It has been nomadic and hunting for a living for many years, and all of them are good at making a living on horseback, which has created a fierce folk custom.

According to legend, there are ten soldiers from the East Vietnam country, each of whom can stand up to ten soldiers from other countries. All of them are strong, agile, and not afraid of death. Anyone who wants to fight against them must be suppressed by thousands of horses and thousands of troops. Breaking through the siege will make it difficult to stop them.

Now that the commander-in-chief of the Dongli army is dead, and the morale of the army is weak, it is a good opportunity for the Dongyue Kingdom to send troops. Could the 'General Zhong' in front of him be a spy sent by the Dongyue Kingdom to disrupt the Longxi army?
"Who is this?" The eyes of 'General Zhong' fell on Yun Tian.

Nian Wen hurriedly said: "Return to General, he is my assistant, Yun Tian."

"What about you? What's your name?" 'General Zhong' stared at the station and read the text. After all, such a beautiful girl is not common, and he has never seen such a beautiful woman.

Nian Wen smiled lightly: "My surname is Guan, Guan Wen'er."

The guarding soldiers at the side wanted to remind their general that this woman was obviously lying. She just claimed to be the princess of Changle, and the princess of Changle should be surnamed Zheng. Why did she say her surname was Guan now?He also changed his name and called himself a doctor.

They wanted to speak, but found that even if they opened their mouths, they still couldn't say a word.

On the side of their necks, there are two shining silver needles.

General Zhong waved his hand: "Miss Guan, please!"

Immediately after reading the text, she followed General Zhong's horse into the barracks, she glanced sideways at Yuntian, but Yuntian couldn't understand what she meant.

Helpless, she had no choice but to deliberately distance herself from 'General Zhong', and said in a low voice: "The two guys at the door just now are afraid that something bad will happen, you can find a way to solve it."

look for an opportunity?

To solve these two little guys, still need to find an opportunity?
Yun Tianyang waved his hand, two invisible cold air swept towards the camp gate which was tens of meters away from him.

The cold air entered their bodies. At that time, they only felt that their bodies were cold, and they shivered a few times. They felt very uncomfortable. They wanted to call for help, but they couldn't say anything.

Nian Wen asked anxiously: "Why are you doing it now? Once they find out, wouldn't we be revealing our secrets?"

Yun Tian said: "Don't worry, they will be fine now, they just have a cold and sickness, at least they will be in a coma for a few days before they die."

Nianwen breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she doesn't die immediately, so her identity will not be exposed.

She quickened up a few steps, caught up with 'General Zhong''s horse, and said with a smile, "General, where is the tent where Madam lives?"

'General Zhong' waved his hand: "Hey, there's no rush, Miss Guan is coming to the barracks for the first time, I will have to take care of you, so you go to the camp to rest for a while, and I will send someone to invite you over later. "

He couldn't get what he asked for in reading the text, and immediately responded: "It's better to obey orders than to be respectful. Thank you, General."

"Okay, okay—I would like a straightforward person like you, Miss Guan, come here, and take Miss Guan and Mr. Yun to rest."

(End of this chapter)

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