Chapter 1583

Chapter 1599

Two soldiers led Nianwen and Yuntian to an empty military tent.

The soldier pointed to the tent and said, "You two, please rest inside for a while, and I will invite you to a banquet later." When the soldier spoke, his accent was a little strange, very similar to the tone of the two soldiers at the gate of the camp just now. It seems to be a gang.

Seeing that they didn't intend to go in, Nian Wen quickly opened the curtain, staring at the inside of the tent with a pair of eyes and said: "Ah, why is there anyone here?"

Hearing this, the two soldiers rushed in, only to find that there was no one in the tent.

But at this time, the palm of Nianwen had already hit the back of their necks, and they fell down without even uttering a cry.

Nian Wen said to Yuntian: "Let's change into their clothes."

Yun Tian was puzzled: "Why? Do you need to change clothes when you go to have a meal?"

Read the text and shook his head: "You should forget about eating now, we have more important things to do."

Yun Tian didn't know what she was thinking, and he didn't understand what she was doing now, but what she said was always right, so he just listened.

The two changed their clothes and put on the soldier's hat. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see anything.

After hiding the two soldiers, they swaggered out of the tent, strolled around the camp for a while, and roughly figured out the terrain.

The army camp is very large, not all 20 troops are in the same camp. There is a commander in the army, which is her father, Zheng Zhongwen, and a general who is brave, is Uncle Zhong.

There are also a dozen lieutenants in charge of each battalion, and each lieutenant is in charge of a large battalion, with 2 to [-] people in each battalion.

The big camp she was in now was the Red Fire Camp where Uncle Zhong was.

If Uncle Zhong is still alive, he must still be somewhere in this camp. As long as she finds Uncle Zhong, she will be able to expose the thief's true colors immediately.

"General Zhong didn't know what happened recently. He used military orders at every turn. Vice-General Shan has been with him for so long. He killed him as soon as he said he wanted to. He really didn't spare any sympathy."

"That's right, it's not just Vice-General Shan, isn't Vice-General Liu of Huangmaying also executed?"

"These people are all good generals who have been with General Zhong for many years. They can't be said to be illustrious in battle, but they have been commended by the emperor. How can the general not report to the court, but directly execute him by military order?"

"Didn't you listen to what he said, the general is away, and the emperor's life is not accepted, he has no intention of reporting it to the court at all!"

"I don't know whose turn it will be today. Now the army is in panic, and the atmosphere is even lower than the atmosphere of a defeated battle. If this continues, I really don't know what will happen."

Hearing this, one can almost conclude that the 'General Zhong' must be a spy sent by the enemy to disrupt our army's morale, and it's not just as simple as disturbing the army's morale, there may be some other big conspiracy.

She secretly captured a soldier and asked him where the prisoners were held in the camp.

It's a pity that that man is a miscellaneous soldier, and he only does some tidying up and cleaning on weekdays. Asking him about such things is tantamount to asking for nothing.

But by coincidence, the companion of the miscellaneous soldier came to look for him, but he was just an inquisitor. Although he only did miscellaneous matters, he liked to inquire about the big and small things in the camp.

It turned out that General Zhong had marked out a piece of land in the camp not long ago, and there were more than a dozen tents on that piece of land. Except for the people he designated, no one else was allowed to enter that area, or they would surely die.

Not many people in the camp knew about this matter, and he also learned about it by accident, but he didn't expect it to be of great use today, saving the brothers in the whole camp.

(End of this chapter)

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