Chapter 1584

Chapter 1600

After knocking out the two miscellaneous soldiers, Nian Wen and Yun Tian quickly came to the special area mentioned by the miscellaneous soldiers. If Uncle Zhong was still in the camp, he must be here.

This area was almost surrounded by people, every step was a post, and it was full of soldiers with machetes on their waists. All the weapons were almost exactly the same as those of the soldiers who were at the gate of the camp and were brought down by her in the tent.

The weapons that he and Yun Tian are hanging on their waists now are such scimitars.

"What are you doing?" The soldiers stopped them.

Read the text and took out the order talisman found on the soldiers before, and said in a deep voice: "The general ordered us to come."

Seeing the talisman, the soldiers blocking the way hurriedly stepped aside, "Please!"

The two of them swaggered in. As the soldier said, there are more than a dozen tents here, and not every tent is occupied. Needless to say, the largest one is naturally the place where 'General Zhong' lives.

And Jane, who had the most guards, was supposed to be the place where the criminals were held.

With a super strong like Yun Tian around, even if she is surrounded by thousands of troops, she will not feel afraid, not to mention, the soldiers in front of her may not even be able to beat her.

She repeated the plan and took out the token in her hand: "The general asked me to pick up the criminal."

The soldier frowned: "Arbitrate criminals? Whom?"

Read the text: "The general said that this person's surname is Zhong."

The soldier's face changed drastically, and he immediately pulled out the scimitar from his waist: "Who are you? Who sent you here?"

It seems to have been exposed, and in that case, there is no need for her to pretend.

"Who else, of course General Zhong sent me, why? Don't you believe it?" She flicked her fingers, and two extremely thin silver needles shot out from her fingers, attacking the soldier's neck.

The seemingly ordinary soldier in front of him turned out to be a formidable character. He swayed slightly, avoiding her silver needle lightly, and slashed at Nianwen's face with a scimitar.

However, before Nianwen could make a move, the soldier who rushed at Nianwen suddenly flew upside down, and his body directly smashed into the tent.

This movement was not small, and it immediately attracted more people.Yun Tian said: "You go in and find someone, leave it to me outside."

Just as Nian Wen had this intention, he got into the tent without saying a word, the soldier who was thrown into the tent by Yuntian didn't get up again, and lay down on the ground with a blue face, ignorant of human affairs.

There were two round wooden posts in the tent, and a man with disheveled hair was chained to the round wooden posts.

The man was unconscious, his face was covered in blood, and he couldn't distinguish his original appearance at all.

She rushed forward and tore off the man's blood-stained collar. There was an iron lock around his neck. Others wore gold and silver locks, but he wore an iron lock.

Because it was the only thing his mother left him when he was given away, and he had been wearing it since he was a child, and never took it off.

He said that he believed that one day, sooner or later, he would meet his mother again, and this iron chain was the only evidence of their recognition.

Her eyes were slightly hot, and she kept shaking Uncle Zhong's body: "Uncle Zhong, wake up quickly."

The man who was in a coma slowly opened his eyes. The face in front of him made him think he was still in a dream.

Princess, isn't she already dead?
Those people said that all the people who stood shoulder to shoulder with the palace were dead, and there was no one left. In his grief, he was plotted by a traitor, and thus he became a prisoner.

"The princess?"

Wen'er nodded: "It's me, Uncle Zhong, it's me, you wait, I'll rescue you out."

(End of this chapter)

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