Chapter 1585

Chapter 1601

She didn't have a weapon sharp enough to break the chain that locked Uncle Zhong.

There was no thick needle hard enough to open the huge iron lock. When he was running around in a hurry, Yun Tian came in from the outside. Seeing the appearance of Nian Wen, he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Nian Wen pointed to the iron chain as thick as his own wrist and said: "Uncle Zhong is locked up, I have to save him to leave."

Yun Tian nodded, stepped forward a few steps, grasped the iron chain with both hands, and pulled gently, the arm-thick iron chain was easily torn off.

Nian Wen was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, his hands must be too strong, imagine his hands twisting a person's neck, but the head would be easily twisted off by him like a ball.

This kind of power is really terrifying, fortunately he is not her enemy, otherwise, it may take her next life to defeat him.

General Zhong was also frightened by this heinous power, staring at Yun Tian and asked Nian Wen: "He, who is he?"

Nian Wen supported Uncle Zhong, and said with a smile: "He is my friend, don't worry, we will be fine with him here."

General Zhong was still worried before, worried that even if the princess rescued him from this big tent, he might not be able to take him out of the camp, maybe it would hurt the princess instead.

Now that he has seen the power of Yuntian, he knows that his worry is superfluous.

The three of them walked out, Yun Tian was in front, and Nian Wen supported General Zhong in the back.

The movement here has already alarmed the 'General Zhong' at the main tent. He rushed over with the experts around him, just in time to see the girl who called herself Guan Wen'er outside the big camp helping Zhong Li out of the big tent. His men were lying on the ground.

"Who are you?" 'General Zhong' shouted, pointing at the text.

Nian Wen sneered: "He is the one who can kill you. You impersonate me, Uncle Zhong, and get mixed up in this camp. What is your intention?"

'General Zhong' snorted coldly: "I don't know what nonsense you are talking about. I am Zhongli. The one you are supporting is the remnant of the Dongli Shangguan's rebel party. I am going to escort the key criminal to the court. If you know me, Just hand him over quickly, and I may consider letting you live."

Read Wen shook his head: "No, I think you should worry about your own life."

'General Zhong' sneered: "It's up to you?" In his eyes, although there were three opponents, one of them was a bad guy who was seriously injured. There were only two people, but he had thousands of troops.

"Do you think you can get out of this big camp?" His eyes fell on Zhongli: "Look at his appearance, who would believe that he is Zhongli?"

Read the text and said: "I don't need others to believe it, I can just believe it, Yun Tian, ​​this person, I want to live, the rest, life and death don't matter."

Yun Tian nodded. In his eyes, the human beings in front of him were almost no different from ants.

Wanting them to live or wanting them to die is only in his mind.

At the beginning, he was not very good at controlling his power with human palms, but at this time, he had already learned how to control the terrifying power in his body.

He stretched out his hand, and a terrifying breath rushed towards 'General Zhong'. He wanted to draw his sword, but his hand seemed to be fixed on the hilt of the sword, and he couldn't even move it.

Then, he watched helplessly as his body was dragged forward by this powerful and terrifying force, and he had no ability to resist at all, and even his throat seemed to be blocked with something, and he couldn't speak a word.

(End of this chapter)

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