Chapter 1586

Chapter 1602

Until, his neck was caught in the hands of the young man.

But in the blink of an eye, he changed from an arrogant "general" to a prisoner close to death.

The soldiers holding the scimitar were stunned for a while, and when they came back to their senses, they rushed towards Yuntian with their swords in their hands.

Yun Tian waved his hand, and an extremely powerful force rushed towards the soldiers who rushed towards him.

These soldiers are not ordinary soldiers, but the top experts brought by 'General Zhong' from East Vietnam, disguised as ordinary soldiers, lurking in the camp together with 'General Zhong', for the use of 'General Zhong'.

However, no matter how good a master is, he can only consider himself unlucky when he meets an opponent like Yun Tian.

They didn't have a chance to make a move at all. Before they figured out the situation, they were lying on the ground, and the pain and darkness gradually enveloped them. Maybe they would never see the sun tomorrow.

Once a group fell down, another group of people joined them, and they walked step by step to the other side of the camp. This is the territory of "General Zhong", where he raised his cronies and locked up loyal soldiers who resisted him. The big camp on the other side is still the territory of the Zheng family army.

There was a lot of commotion here, and it naturally attracted the Zheng family's army from the other side of the camp. As soldiers, seeing this situation, they naturally raised their weapons and stepped forward to protect the general.

Zheng Nianwen helped Zhong Li cross the boundary, and said to the panicked and vigilant soldiers, "This is your General Zhong, keep your eyes open and look carefully."

At this moment, Zhongli's face was covered with blood, and he was tossed into a shapeless figure. From head to toe, there was nothing that looked like Zhongli.

Even his voice was very hoarse, without the high-pitched majesty of the past.

The soldiers did not easily believe what Nianwen said, nor did they continue to move forward. Instead, they stood where they were, looking at Zheng Nianwen's Zhongli suspiciously.

A young general stood up at this moment, he said to Zheng Nianwen: "You said he is our General Zhong, do you have proof?"

Nian Wen's face was cold, and he said in a cold voice: "He is your general, and he has been with you for many years, even if he is tortured by the wicked and has lost his human form, he is the closest to you, how can you not recognize your own general? " She pointed angrily at those Dongyue soldiers who were knocked to the ground by Yun Tian's palm and couldn't get up again, and shouted: "And they are obviously aliens, but you can't see them with your eyes open? He is Do you speak the same as you, or do you use the same weapons as you? What was the camp like before they took over here, and what was the camp like after they took over here? Use your brains to think about it, do you still think about it? Understand?"

They are all small soldiers and generals, they only obey the general's orders on weekdays, it doesn't matter whether they use their brains or not, they are used to obeying orders, not used to thinking about things.

At this time, being scolded by Zheng Nianwen, they suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment, and all the previous doubts suddenly had answers.

The girl was right, that Zhongli who killed several lieutenants in a row was not their general at all, and their general would never use that trumped-up charge to kill dissidents.

Zhong Li's eyes fell on a young man in the crowd, and he pointed at that young man, "Xiao Ba, is your mother cured?"

Xiao Ba burst into tears, this is their general, the tortured and inhuman man in front of him is the mighty and extraordinary general in the past!

 Sorry, the timing was wrong last night, I just found out. . .

(End of this chapter)

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