Chapter 1587

Chapter 1603

There are 2 people in the Chihuo Camp, and Xiao Ba is just the most common soldier in the camp. It is said that it is impossible for the general to know his name, and even the deputy general may not be able to call him by his name, let alone him. The situation of the mother at home.

A month ago, Xiaoba went to ask the general, saying that his mother was seriously ill and had no money for medical treatment, and he hoped that he could pay some money in advance for urgent needs.

After the general learned about it, he paid him three months' salary in advance, and even paid him 20 taels of silver out of his own pocket, and gave him ten days' leave, so that he could go back quickly.

Not many people know about this matter, only a few close brothers around Xiao Ba know about it, and no one else knows about it.

At this moment, Zhongli's eyes fell on another part of the crowd, pointing at the young man holding the dagger, and said, "A Tong, is the dagger I gave you handy?"

Ah Tong was startled, with an incredulous expression on his face, staring blankly at Zhongli in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Zhong Li easily called out the names of several people, including their nicknames, and spoke in exactly the same tone as usual when joking with them.

Thinking about what happened in the past half month, General Zhong suddenly seemed to be a different person. He no longer came to the camp to have a drink with his brothers, and he never came to the training ground in person, and killed several weekdays. As a loyal lieutenant who has a good friendship with him, all this happened so suddenly and so unbelievably.

Now it seems that it is not their General Zhong who has changed, but the General Zhong who did these wrong things is not their General Zhong.

"Now do you know who is the real general?" Nian Wenchao asked the soldiers.

Some people nodded, they can confirm that the general in front of them is their general, but there are still some people, they don't have much contact with the general on weekdays, and they can't really distinguish clearly at this time, so they can only make no judgment and remain silent. And guard against each other with troops.

Nianwen walked up to Yuntian and motioned him to let go of the fake 'Zhongli'.

Yun Tian let go, Zhong Li fell to the ground, his face turned into a pig's liver color, but this face was still the familiar Zhong Li's face.

Nian Wen quickly pricked two silver needles on his body, causing him to lose all strength immediately and turn into a puddle of mud.

"You, what did you do to me?" 'Zhongli' panted heavily, unable to even speak.

Nian Wen smiled lightly: "I'm doing this for your own good, so that you don't get overwhelmed for a while. I still have a lot to ask you. Wouldn't it be a pity to die like this?"

She suddenly stretched out her hand, pinched a piece of skin on the side of his neck with her thumb and index finger, rubbed it lightly a few times, and then pulled it hard.

Hearing 'Sla''s quick thought, the human skin mask on 'Zhongli''s face was torn off by the reading text, revealing his original face.

He is a man with delicate facial features, somewhat similar to Uncle Zhong. After wearing the human skin mask, he looks like he has no flaws on the outside.

It's a pity that he was unlucky to meet Zheng Nianwen, a master of disguise, otherwise, his treacherous plan might really succeed.

A group of soldiers watched 'Zhongli' change his face with their own eyes, saw him reveal his true colors, and the fierceness in his eyes was undoubtedly exposed.

"You, who are you? Why do you want to spoil my good things?"

Nianwen tore off the human skin mask in his hand, and said with a sneer: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you have already lost, and it seems that your Dongyue Kingdom's plan to sow discord will fail. "

(End of this chapter)

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