Chapter 1588

Chapter 1604

The man's complexion changed drastically, "How do you know I'm from Dongyue?"

Could it be that there is a mole around him?
Nian Wen's smile became brighter and brighter: "I guessed, I wasn't sure at first, but now I can be sure."

The man's face became very ugly: "Damn it, you lied to me?"

"As the saying goes, soldiers never tire of cheating, you are too stupid, no one else's fault."

He is stupid?That's right, he was really stupid, he should have killed her at the gate of the camp, but he brought her in with a ghost. It was obviously a lie full of loopholes, but because of this pretty face, he pretended not to hear it.

He was really stupid.

Nianwen said to Zhongli: "Uncle Zhong, what should we do with this person?"

Zhongli is very weak now, he can't even stand upright, he read the text and said: "Keep alive, we must interrogate carefully, how many spies from their Dongyue Kingdom are still in this army, and what are they going to do? , must be carefully examined.”

Read the text and nodded, and turned to look at Xiaoba: "What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you tie up people soon? Go check again to see if there are any survivors, don't be merciful, just kill them all."

Xiao Ba immediately took the order and left.

"Where is Deputy General Qiao?" Zhongli asked Lao Guo who came to help him.

There was a look of grief on Lao Guo's face, and he opened his mouth, but he still didn't speak.

Zhongli had a bad premonition and hurriedly asked, "Tell me, what's wrong with Qiao Shan?"

Old Guo sighed, and said in a low voice, "Deputy General Qiao was beheaded ten days ago and died."

Zhongli's body trembled, and he almost fell to the ground. Qiao Shan is not only the leader and lieutenant general of Chihuo Camp, but also his old friend for many years. Tail, this was killed by him.

However, the attack was not limited to this one, and Lao Guo continued: "Not only Lieutenant Qiao, but also Yanhuo Battalion, Lanshui Battalion, Yilvmu Battalion, the Lieutenant Generals of these three battalions have also been murdered. I don't know whose turn it will be next."

Zhong Li was angry and startled, and for a moment he was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing his face turning blue, Nian Wen hurriedly gave him two needles to stabilize his rapidly surging blood.

"Uncle Zhong, you need to take a good rest now, and you must not get angry again."

Zhong Li was so angry that his chest heaved rapidly, how could he calm down, these lieutenants were all cultivated by him, and they all had a deep friendship with him.

He is the mainstay in the camp, now that he is gone, he is gone, how can he calm down.

And the brothers of the three battalions still think that he killed their general, how will he explain to these brothers?
Read the text and said: "Uncle Zhong, the situation in the camp is in turmoil now, and we still need you to stabilize the overall situation. You must not let any more accidents happen."

Zhong Li took a deep breath and calmed himself down, the grief in his eyes was still deep, he turned his face to look at the reading, and sighed: "Princess, I am ashamed of my trust in the lord, I have no face to see the lord again."

Read the text and said with a smile: "Uncle Zhong, you worry too much, Dad will not blame you for this kind of thing, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, this incident can be your warning, and it should also be a lesson , Walking on a flat road for a long time will make people lose their guard and easily make big mistakes. With this lesson, I believe that you and your subordinates will not make the same mistake again."

(End of this chapter)

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