Chapter 1589

Chapter 1605

Zhongli nodded, feeling a little relieved in Yuyu's heart, he didn't say anything more, and let Nianwen and Lao Guo help him back to the camp.

Nian Wen cleaned the wound for him, bandaged it, applied medicine, and then decocted the medicine for him. After the exhaustion, the sky turned dark.

A resentful gaze was always on her, but she didn't notice it. After finishing all these things, she realized that Yun Tian was sitting on a rock outside the tent, staring at her faintly.

It was only then that she remembered that they came to the military camp to fill their stomachs, but in the end they encountered this stupid incident and were delayed for a whole day. Up to now, they haven't had a mouthful of hot food or even a sip of water.

Lao Guo entered the big tent with the medicine, and when he came out again, the medicine bowl in his hand was already empty.

Read the text to stop him and asked: "Uncle Guo, we haven't eaten all day, is there any food for us?"

Lao Guo hurriedly said, "I'm ready, I'm ready, I've been ready a long time ago, seeing that you've been busy, I didn't dare to call you, are you going now?"

Reading Wen glanced at the big tent, and she was still worried about leaving, so she said to Old Guo: "Uncle Guo, can I trouble you to bring the food here, I am worried about leaving, in case there are people from Dongyue Kingdom With the remnants nearby, Uncle Zhong will be very dangerous."

Lao Guo hurriedly responded: "Okay, I'll go get ready."

Read the text and said: "Bring more, this friend of mine—has a big appetite."

Lao Guo glanced at Yun Tian, ​​met his cold gaze, and couldn't help shivering, thinking of the icy air every time he approached him, he shivered twice after thinking about it.

Seeing Lao Guo fleeing away in a hurry, he read the text and said to Yuntian: "Look at you scaring people, can't you be gentle?"

Yun Tian shrugged: "I'm like this from the beginning, and it's not against anyone."

Apart from reading the text, he really has no way to show kindness to anyone.

Reading helplessly, he waved at him: "Come in, dinner will be served in a while."

Yuntian's stomach is already hungry, which is one of the reasons why he is very dissatisfied with Lao Guo. Since the meal has been prepared a long time ago, why didn't it be delivered earlier, and he has to wait for someone to ask him.

Mingming watched Nianwen busy all day with his own eyes, and didn't even drink his saliva.

Zhongli had already fallen asleep at this time, and the two of them didn't talk after entering the tent. One sat in front of Zhongli's bed to look after him, and the other sat in front of the tent and waited for dinner.

Lao Guo came back with two food boxes, followed by a soldier with two food boxes in his hands.

After the two entered the account, they quickly put the food in the food box on the table, four dishes and four bowls of rice.

Nian Wen glanced at the food on the table, and her eyes fell on the soldiers beside Lao Guo. She smiled and asked, "This brother has never seen him before."

Old Guo was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "I've seen him before, he is Xiao Ba."

Nian Wen walked towards 'Xiao Ba', fixed his eyes on him: "Really? I don't think he is Xiao Ba!"

Old Guo Meng, isn't this Xiao Ba?Why not Xiaoba?Is it because I was dazzled and misidentified the wrong person?He rubbed his eyes and stared at Xiao Ba behind him.

'Xiao Ba' seemed to feel that his identity was exposed, and quickly pulled out the saber from his waist, trying to hold Lao Guo in front of him.

But who knows, just as he pulled out half of his sword, Zheng Nianwen kicked his wrist, the sword returned to its sheath, and his wrist bone was broken.

'Xiao Ba' let out a miserable howl, and retreated quickly, wanting to escape from the tent quickly, but unexpectedly, before he could take two steps, a bright and cold long sword lay across his neck.

(End of this chapter)

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