Chapter 1590

Chapter 1606

Lao Guo was frightened and stupid, why did Xiao Ba suddenly do it?what on earth is it?

Seeing Xiaoba open his mouth, Nianwen quickly stretched out his hand to grab his neck, and then stuck the silver needle into the back of his neck, making his whole body numb and unable to exert any strength.

"Want to die? It's not that easy." She grabbed 'Xiao Ba' by the collar, returned him to the middle of the tent, and threw him heavily on the ground.

Old Guo asked in surprise: "He, he, is he really not Xiaoba?"

Nian Wen stepped forward, stretched out his hand and tore off the human skin mask on the man's face, and said with a sneer, "Okay, the speed of this disguise is fast enough, say, who made this human skin mask? how was it?"

The young man was lying on the ground, his eyes were dead silent, as if he had already seen his own fate of death.

"Don't say it? Then I can only use some deadly methods to make you speak."

There are many people with backbone in this world, and there are also many people who originally had backbone, but when faced with huge and unbearable pain, their backbone will quietly disappear.

When the silver needle of reading the text pierced the vital point on the sole of his foot, he immediately felt tens of thousands of ants burrowing into his body from the sole of his foot, crawling all the way up from the sole of his foot, gnawing at his muscles, bones and flesh.

I can't say how painful it was, but this feeling made him unbearable. He stretched out his hand to grab it, but he couldn't move. He wanted to use the dagger to cut open his own flesh and drive away the ants that were eating his flesh and blood, but what did he do? I can't do anything, I can only endure the pain, and even dying happily has become a luxury.

Finally, he couldn't bear this pain anymore, "I said, I'll say everything, please, please stop."

"Can't stand it so soon? The master of Dongyue Kingdom is so capable?" She squatted down, pulled out the silver needle on the bottom of his foot, and her voice sank three minutes: "Quickly, who made the human skin mask?" Yes, how many of your people are still in this camp, and what is your purpose for coming here."

After taking a few breaths, the young man closed his eyes and said, "The human skin mask is made by a military advisor. He is in this military camp, constantly changing his identities. Unless he finds us, none of us will know what to do." find him."

He gasped for a few breaths, and then said: "I'm just a young man, I don't know how many people came here from East Vietnam this time, I just obeyed orders, and I don't know what the purpose is. "

Read the text: "Open your eyes."

The young man reluctantly opened his eyes, saw the two silver needles in her hand go down to his feet again, and hurriedly shouted: "You, you don't keep your word, I've already told you, you still—"

The painful feeling hit again, he wanted to bite through the pill hidden between his teeth, but he was struggling to speak now, and he didn't have the strength to bite through the poison wrapped in the cowhide membrane.

"Because you lied, I will double your punishment, don't you agree?"

"Admit, I accept, I said, I really say everything, and I will never speak falsely again." He tremblingly said, this kind of pain is worse than death, more than ten times more painful than before. I can't bear it all the time.

Nianwen pulled out two silver needles, and said with a sneer, "Remember, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will make you suffer more than now. You can keep talking nonsense, I have plenty of time to play with you."

The young man stared at the face of reading the text, he really couldn't imagine, how could such a beautiful girl be so ruthless?

Of course he would not know what happened to read the text to become what he is now. She clearly knows that being kind to the enemy is being cruel to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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