Chapter 1591

Chapter 1607

The young man said: "The human skin mask was indeed made by a military adviser. He is in the barracks. Although we don't know who he is disguised as at this time, there is a way to find him."

Nian Wen raised his eyebrows: "Say!"

The young man swallowed hard, "I said, I said, but I have a request."

"Tell me!"

The young man said: "I know, no matter what today, I will die. If I don't say anything, I will be tortured to death by you. If I say it, the military advisor will definitely not let me go. I can tell you how to find the military advisor, but please let me know." You give me a happy time."

Read the text and nodded: "Yes."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, and then went on to say: "Military commander, he will be behind every day at Haishi—" The young man didn't say anything, only heard a puff, he forced a mouthful of blood, his eyeballs protruded, and he almost blew his eyes The son stared out of his eyes, and his opened mouth never closed again. . .

Yun Tian quickly chased him out, it was already dark outside, and there was no one there, but if he planned to go after him, no matter how fast that person fled, he was confident that he could catch up with him, but he still chose to give up, He was worried about leaving Wen'er here alone. If that person used a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain, Wen'er would be in danger?
"Didn't catch up?" Wen'er raised her eyebrows, not believing that anyone in this world could escape Yun Tian's pursuit.

Yun Tian shook his head, but didn't speak.

She squatted down and found a needle hole on the side of the young man's neck, which could not be seen without looking carefully.

She didn't say anything, she just said to the old Guo who was on the side: "Uncle Guo, tell everyone to be vigilant. There may be many spies in our camp. If you find suspicious people, tell them not to startle them. Come report."

Old Guo repeatedly responded and hurried out.

Nian Wen said to Yuntian: "You stay here, I'll go out and have a look."

Yun Tian frowned: "You doubt Lao Guo?"

Read the text and said: "Everyone is suspicious now. I suspect everyone, including Lao Guo." When the situation happened, he died,
And in this tent, there were only the four of them, Uncle Zhong was unconscious, it was impossible for Yun Tian and her, the only one left was Lao Guo.

She didn't believe that there was someone outside the tent just now, with Yun Tian's skill, if someone was sneaking around outside the tent, how could he not notice it?
Therefore, the person who strikes is very likely to be in the tent, and it is very likely to be Lao Guo.

Yun Tian was worried about her, "I'll go with you."

Nian Wen shook his head: "No need, you stay here, and their people will definitely come to assassinate. With you here, I can rest assured."

Seeing Lao Guo's figure gradually disappearing into the night, she felt a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "That's it, I will act carefully, you don't have to worry." As soon as she finished speaking, she rushed out of the big tent and chased after Lao Guo. Guo's figure left.

Yun Tian had no choice but to stay in the tent, not daring to leave half a step away.

The kung fu of reciting texts is very good, and with the awakening of the power of her blood, her internal strength is no longer comparable to that of ordinary masters. I hope that the person she meets will not be too difficult.

Lao Guo did not go directly back to his camp, but went directly to a lake to the east of Daying.

This small lake is the source of water for all the soldiers in the camp, and all their daily water is taken from here.

Lao Guo looked around and saw no one around, so he took out a bag of things from his arms and was about to pour it into it.

(End of this chapter)

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