Chapter 1593

Chapter 1609

When she returned to the camp, she ordered the soldiers outside to guard the tent tightly and not let anyone in.

Seeing that she came back safely, Yun Tian breathed a sigh of relief: "Is it Lao Guo?"

Read the text and nodded, put down the mask and clothes: "After I left, has anyone come?"

Yun Tiandao: "There were people who came, but they were stopped by soldiers and they were not allowed in."

She smiled and nodded: "Well done, fortunately no one came in, otherwise my plan would not be successful."

Yun Tian looked puzzled: "Plan? What plan?"

She picked up the human skin mask thrown on the ground, it was Xiao Ba's face, but now, she wanted to put it on her own face.

Read the text and told Yuntian about his plan in detail, Yuntian shook his head repeatedly after hearing this: "You humans just have a lot of crazy ideas."

"You humans? What do you mean by that?"

Yun Tian smiled dryly: "It's nothing, just say it casually." He coughed dryly to cover up his embarrassment.

Wen'er didn't study it carefully, and now is not the time to study these things carefully, she has more important things to do.

"Xiao Ba" said something before, although the key part was not said, but it still provided some clues.

For example, every day at Haishi, after-what.

This suffix must represent a certain place. Are there any places with suffixes?

She couldn't believe any of the people outside now, so she had to wait for Uncle Zhong to wake up. Fortunately, it was still some hours before Haishi.

The food on the table was already cold, because it was delivered by 'Old Guo', she couldn't believe that there was no tampering in this dish, so she didn't bother to check it, so she just didn't eat it.

Fortunately, there were still some snacks in the big tent, so the two of them ate some casually to fill their stomachs first.

As the night deepened, Zhongli finally woke up two hours later.

"Uncle Zhong, how do you feel now?" Zhong Li supported the side of the bed and sat up, leaning on the soft cushion Wen'er handed over.

"I'm much better, thanks to you today." In the blink of an eye, he saw the corpse lying on the ground in the tent, his expression slightly startled: "Who is this person?"

Wen'er told what happened, Zhongli was so angry that he immediately struggled to get out of bed, and immediately mobilized the three armies to find out the spies hidden in the army overnight.

Wen'er pushed him back on the bed, "Uncle Zhong, there's no use worrying about it now, there's no need to rush this matter, I already have a plan to eliminate rape."

Uncle Zhong looked slightly happy: "Oh? Come and listen."

Read the text and explain the plan in detail to Zhongli, who nodded repeatedly after listening: "This plan is good, very clever, lure the snake out of the hole, and catch them all in one go."

"Uncle Zhong, in our camp, is there any place with a suffix in its name?"

"The last word?"

Zhongli thought for a while, then hurriedly said: "There is a Houji Lake, just at the northeast corner of Daying, that is the small lake where you drugged. It is called Houji Lake."

So, what 'Xiao Ba' said is actually thick?Thick Lake?

Zhongli said again: "There is another place, there is an ancient tree there, just like Houji Lake, the brothers in the camp also named that ancient tree Houfu, I hope everyone will be blessed and safe."

"Then where is this tree?"

Zhong Li said: "It's just over the cooking camp, a big old tree, you can see it near there."

Zhong Li was a little uncertain, so he asked, "Which place do you think it is?"

Wen'er smiled lightly: "I think it's a blessing."

Zhongli was puzzled: "Why is it Houfu instead of Houji Lake?" Both of them have thick characters.

(End of this chapter)

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