Chapter 1594

Chapter 1610

Wen'er said: "Uncle Guo and Xiao Ba were both in the cooking camp before the accident, and the camp had just experienced turmoil. Committing a crime within a short period of time, and not making any movement, it can only show that this is an acquaintance committing the crime. This military adviser is likely to be hiding in the cooking camp, and he chose the Houfu tree as the daily gathering place because of his The identity is more convenient, after all, the brothers in each camp and tent cannot walk around in the big camp at will, so it is easy to be suspected."

Zhong Li suddenly realized, and nodded again and again: "Yes, you are right, even if this military adviser is not in the cooking camp, he must be near the cooking camp."

Wen'er glanced at the moon outside, and said: "It's almost time, Uncle Zhong, I arranged for a few trustworthy people to stay and protect you. They are all my father's old cronies. I have already checked, and there is no problem." , after Yuntian and I leave, they will guard you every step of the way, no matter what news you hear, you must not leave the camp, lest you fall into the enemy's trap, Yuntian and I will never have anything to do."

"Also, after I capture the military division, I will bring it directly to you, and I will not send another person to report. All those who come to report will be captured."

Zhong Li understood her intentions and was deeply moved. As the saying goes, a tiger father has no dog daughter, and the princess is only 16 years old, but his mind is more mature and stable than a 40-year-old man, which is really unadmirable.

Wen'er and Yun Tian left the big tent, the soldiers guarding outside quickly came in and stood in front of Zhongli's bed like a wall, not to mention people, even flies were not allowed to approach.

Nianwen and Yuntian disguised themselves as Lao Guo and Xiao Ba, and each returned to the cooking camp with a food box.

Neither of them were from the cooking camp, but they were trusted by Zhongli, so they were appointed by Wen'er to be responsible for Zhongli's meals, so they temporarily moved to the cooking camp.

After returning to the cooking camp, a young man came up to him immediately, with gum still hanging from the corners of his eyes, yawning again and again: "You are finally back. I have been waiting for you for so long, and I am stuck to death."

Wen'er smiled and said, "I'm really sorry, the general was delayed by something, and I kept you waiting."

The young man waved his hand: "Forget it, forget it, we are all brothers, why are you being polite, by the way, Wu San came to you just now, and said that you should return the money he borrowed to him as soon as possible."

Wen'er hurriedly asked: "When did Wu San come?"

The young man thought for a while, and said, "It's just now, the work of the front and rear feet."

Wen'er snorted, and asked again: "What are you waiting for us for so long? Is there anything urgent?"

The young man gave him a white look: "Didn't you tell me to wait for you? You told me to wait for you to come back and take you to rest in the big tent. I thought you would come back after delivering food to the general. I didn't expect you to go If I had known this for so long, I would not have promised you."

It seems that Xiao Ba was killed while delivering meals, so what about Lao Guo?The old Guo who served Uncle Zhong in the tent before was definitely the real old Guo, so when was he killed?

Read the text and asked: "I'm not sleepy now, you go to sleep first, which tent does Wu San live in?"

The young man pointed to a large tent next to the cooking camp and said, "It's there, don't you know?"

Nian Wen laughed dryly: "I forgot for a moment."

(End of this chapter)

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