Chapter 1598

Chapter 1614

The military master turned around, and his eyes fell on the large tents stretching across the camp. His originally indifferent eyes suddenly burst out with a menacing light. The direction he was looking at was exactly the direction where Zhongli was.

"I've already made arrangements. Tomorrow none of our people will drink water or eat. Naturally, they won't be overwhelmed by drugs. As long as they are standing, they are all our people. You don't have to worry about anything, just We need to stay by Zhongli's side, wait for the opportunity to act, and kill one counts as one, and we should avenge our dead brothers."

He has served as the East Vietnam Army Division for several years. This is the first time he went deep into the enemy's camp to plan, but he never expected that the two Cheng Yaojin would be killed suddenly, causing him to suffer heavy losses. If he couldn't do it tomorrow If things are done, he, the military adviser, may have to give way.

Therefore, no matter what tomorrow, he must succeed and never allow failure.

After the military adviser left, Yun Tianchao read the text and asked: "Since he has already been sent to the door, why don't we just end him?"

Nian Wen shook his head: "It's not difficult to kill him, but it is even more difficult to find out all the hidden spies. These people hide in the dark and may do things that are not good for us at any time. The only way to eliminate future troubles is to wipe them out once.”

Yun Tian seems to understand, but he knows that tomorrow there will be a fierce battle, and tomorrow this peaceful military camp will be bloody.

The human world is so complicated, why do they make simple things so complicated?

Back in the big tent, Zhongli was already asleep, she and Yuntian left to watch and rest, and let the soldiers go outside to watch in turn.

The two sleep on the floor, one on the left and the other on the right.

Yun Tian rested with his eyes closed, wisps of stars invisible to the naked eye floated in from outside the tent, hiding between his brows.

This is the reason why the Frost Dragon Clan is inherently strong, even if they are just resting, to them, they are also cultivating.

I am practicing all the time.

Ordinary people in the world, even if they spend their whole lives training hard, cannot possess the same powerful power as them.

He slowly opened his eyes, looking at the dark yellow ceiling, "Can't you sleep?" Ever since she lay down, she has been tossing and turning, sighing softly from time to time, even if she doesn't look at her face, she can still know, that The two beautiful eyebrows must be tightly knit.

Nianwen hummed softly, his mind was full of Wan Kun who was pale and lifeless that day.

How much she wanted to go back to the capital right away, back to his side, he must be all right, all right.

"Is it because of tomorrow's fierce battle?"

Read the text and shake his head: "No,"

"Then why can't you sleep? I've been on the road these days, and I haven't seen you take a good rest. Are you not tired?"

Read the text with a wry smile: "Tired, how can I not be tired, I am a human being with flesh and blood, not an iron dummy, I am just——"

"Just what?" For some reason, he suddenly became nervous, and he didn't know what he was nervous about.

It's just that I'm thinking about a person, a person who sacrificed himself to save me, I'm thinking about him, I love him day and night, if he is still alive, she will definitely marry him, she will definitely.

She held back these words in her heart, not knowing how to say them.

"It's nothing, go to sleep!" She closed her eyes and stopped talking, but her breathing was still rough and slow, obviously she was still awake.

He didn't ask any more, since she didn't want to talk, it was useless to ask.

There was a trace of loss in his heart. At this moment, he felt that he was not very important or caring to her.

(End of this chapter)

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