Chapter 1599

Chapter 1615

It wasn't until several hours later that the breathing sound of reading the text gradually became even, and he didn't toss and turn again. He sat up and looked at that beautiful face under the dim light. Even in a dream, her brows were always frowning. It was like dreaming about something bad.

He got up and sat beside her. When she fell asleep, it was exactly the same as when he saw her outside the cold pool that day.

When it saw her for the first time, it felt that her blood was different, and that kind of intimacy was more and deeper than what her mother brought to it.

She is a human being, but she has some traits of the Frost Dragon Clan, which makes her look very special, and also very - charming.

He didn't know whether it was right to use the word charming, anyway, he only thought of this word now.

He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the wrinkles between her brows. I really hope that he can enter her dream and help her get rid of those annoying people and things.

Just sitting like this, just looking at her like this, as if in the blink of an eye, the sky dawned.

Before she woke up, he got up and left, stood at the tent door, watching the soldiers who got up early in the camp, and started another busy day.

A wagon with three large wooden barrels was slowly driving towards Houji Lake.

These three empty wooden barrels will be filled in Houji Lake, and then sent to the cooking camp for cooking.

Nian Wen woke up, got up and walked to Yun Tian's side, "What are you looking at?"

Yun Tian pointed to the carriage that was drifting away: "That carriage is for fetching water, right?"

Nian Wen followed his fingers and saw that it was indeed a carriage for fetching water. It seemed that the cooking camp was about to open.

Half an hour later, the carriage came back again, pulled three buckets full of water, and headed towards the cooking camp.

At the time of Chen, the cooked breakfast was sent to each camp.

The camp where Zhongli was located also delivered meals on time, which looked the same as usual, and he didn't stop the soldiers outside and let them eat.

When it comes to acting, it's natural to have a full set, otherwise, it's easy to be seen through.

Zhong Li leaned on the bed and drank the medicine, "Since there is drug in the food, is there any in my medicine?"

Read the text and said: "Of course there is, this medicine is also decocted with the water of Houji Lake, of course there is a drug in it."

At this time, Zhongli had already drank half a bowl of medicine, and he was shocked, "Then I must faint too?"

Read the text and waved his hand: "No, I've already put the antidote in your medicine, you won't be dizzy, just wait and see the good show then, I will definitely find out all the spies today, let Dongyue Kingdom these Thieves, enter vertically and exit horizontally."

She was full of smiles when she spoke, and she couldn't tell that she was talking about killing.

Zhong Li secretly sighed, the princess of Changle, who was innocent back then, has changed now.

The only one to blame is Shangguan Tuo, if it wasn't for his rebellion, how could the Princess go through so many upheavals.

After Zhongli finished drinking the medicine, she took out the empty medicine bowl. The young man who brought the medicine had been waiting outside. When she handed the medicine bowl to him, her eyes fell on the young man's ear. There was a very fine trace there. It's a trace of a human skin mask.

She said calmly, "The general has already finished his drink, please help me brother."

The young man raised his eyes to look at her, and said with a slight smile, "This subordinate understands, please leave."

The second quarter of the hour was originally the time to start military training, but this meeting in the past was the busiest time in the camp.

But today, the entire camp was silent, as if those thousands of soldiers had suddenly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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