Chapter 1600

Chapter 1616

Even the soldiers who had been guarding outside Zhongli's tent since yesterday, without exception, all fell down. The camp snored like thunder, and dead bodies lay everywhere.

Zhongli in the tent had already been changed into a soldier by reading the text, and he was placed in a hidden place, so that he could see what was found in the camp without being found.

And the dead 'Xiao Ba' was disguised as Zhongli, and his corpse was laid in the tent.

Lianwen and Yuntian walked out as 'Little Ba' and 'Old Guo'. They found that as long as the soldiers were still standing, when they saw their companions, they would make a movement, a strange movement, at least they were reading Wen appears to be so.

All of these people had triumphant smiles on their faces. After arranging for so long, they finally waited for the day of harvest.

She saw a few people get together and change their clothes. They took off the clothes of the soldiers of the Chu Dynasty and put on the clothes of the soldiers of the Dongyue Kingdom.

She leaned forward and asked a soldier, "Can you see the military division?"

The soldier turned his head and glanced at her, and said with a smile: "The military division is busy now, he asked us to change our clothes first, and listen to his orders later."

orders?what to doHer eyes fell on the Chu Dynasty soldiers who were snoring everywhere, and she asked with a smile, "There are so many of them, when are we going to kill them?"

The soldier said without even thinking about it: "The military adviser said that these drugs are enough for them to sleep for several hours. They are like dead pigs. They are killed very quickly and don't take much time."

Sure enough, their ultimate goal was to slaughter the camp.

Another soldier who had just changed his clothes said: "Hey - there was no need to kill so many people, it's all because of the princess and Yuntian yesterday, if they hadn't come out to get in the way, why should we be so tired , Let the Chihuo Camp and the Four Wind Camp kill each other, we just need to reap the benefits, and there is no need to do it ourselves."

It turned out that their plan was like this, but the sudden appearance of himself and Yuntian completely disrupted their plan and caused them heavy losses, so the military adviser had no choice but to take this laborious and easily exposed road.

"With so many of us, can we escape? My wife and children are still waiting for me to go back." She made a frightened and sad look.

When the two soldiers heard this, they both sighed: "There are also old and young in my family. It would be best if they can go back alive. If not——I really don't know what they will do in the future!"

Another soldier hurriedly said: "Why are you so sad? There is nothing to be afraid of when there is a military advisor. Our military advisor is unparalleled in resourcefulness. Before yesterday, we had never missed a shot. What happened yesterday was just an accident."

Nian Wen hurriedly answered, "Yes, yes, there is a military advisor here, so what should we worry about?"

At this moment, Yun Tian tugged at Nian Wen's sleeve and gave her a wink.

Nian Wen hurriedly said: "It's time for me to change clothes, you should be busy." After finishing speaking, she and Yun Tian hurriedly avoided.

"Is it him?" Nian Wen asked.

Yun Tian nodded: "It's him, he changed his face again today, but his breath will not change."

He read the text and curled his lips, "Okay, capture the thief first and capture the king first. If you take down this so-called military adviser, the other minions will have nothing to fear. You will be responsible for dealing with him in a while, and the other minions will be handed over to me."

She just took a look around, there are less than a hundred soldiers in Dongyue Kingdom, and none of them are experts. It is enough for her alone to deal with them.

(End of this chapter)

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