Chapter 1601

Chapter 1617

A soldier came in a hurry, searched the crowd a few times, and immediately fixed his eyes on a middle-aged man. He quickly stepped forward, cupped his hands at the middle-aged man and said, "Master Military Advisor!"

Although the military adviser's face is different every day, there is one thing that has never changed. If he does not want people to find him, no one will recognize him. Hang a piece of jade pendant, black jade pendant, very rare, people can see it at a glance.

The military division nodded and asked, "How is the situation?"

"My lord, Zhongli is dead, and the man and woman are missing."

The military division frowned: "Missing? No one saw them?"

The soldier shook his head: "Since last night, the two of them haven't shown up again."

The military division's heart froze, and a very bad feeling arose spontaneously.

"Did you hear the sound of fighting in the tent?"

"No, there is no sound at all."

The military division raised his eyes and saw that his subordinates were gathering from all directions. They had all changed into the clothes of Dongyue Kingdom, and they were holding Dongyue scimitars in their hands. Some even had their heads removed. The bun on the top was changed to the braid of Dongyue Kingdom.

Scenes of last night's situation were played back before his eyes, and he seemed to have grasped something in the calm response of those two people.

"No, I fell for it!" He suddenly woke up with a startled look on his face.

But at this time, everyone has arrived.

"Isn't it too late to find out that I've been tricked?" At some point, Yun Tian stood behind the military division, but the military division didn't notice it at all.

At the same time, Nianwen had already started to collect the net. She used the golden cicada footwork to pierce through the crowd, and the silver needles pierced each and every one of the soldiers of East Vietnam. I didn't understand what was going on, but the strength in my body disappeared in an instant, as if I became a disabled person in the blink of an eye.

The military commander opened his mouth to shout, but he opened his mouth, but unfortunately he couldn't come out. His throat was locked in Yuntian's palm, and Yuntian's other hand continuously released his powerful power, causing the soldiers around him to cry. They fell down one after another, and no one knew what happened.

These two people, aren't they their own?

Watching his subordinates fall one by one, he seemed to see his broken future and destiny.

He lost, lost completely.

No one stood there until all his men except him were knocked to the ground.

Nianwen sealed the acupuncture points on his body with silver needles, making him a cripple in the blink of an eye just like those subordinates who couldn't even climb up after falling to the ground.

"Master Military Advisor, please stay safe." She tore off the human skin mask on her face, and looked at the decadent Military Advisor with a bright smile.

The military division who fell on the ground slowly raised his head, and the girl in front of him was looking down at him with a smile on his face, but his eyes were full of sarcasm.

"That Xiaoba last night was you?"

She smiled brighter and brighter: "Of course it's me, otherwise who do you think it is?"

"What about Lao Guo?" His eyes fell on Yun Tian, ​​and he suddenly laughed wildly, "I never thought that I would lose to a little girl."

His eyes fell on Nianwen again: "So, you also took the drug?"

"Of course it's me. Your old Guo is dead, so I'm the one who gave the medicine. Otherwise, how can we wipe out all these spies from Dongyue Kingdom?"

(End of this chapter)

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