Chapter 1606

Chapter 1622

The palms of the hands that read the text are wet and cold, they have never been so nervous before, their hearts are up and down, and they are very disturbed.

She was afraid that after entering, Wan Kun would not sit in the study and read a book, or practice sword in the courtyard, or settle accounts with Mr. Wan in the counting room as usual.

She was afraid of seeing him unconscious, and she was afraid of hearing bad news about him.

If something happened to him. . .no, I can not.

Just when she was hesitating and hesitating, an old man came out from the inside. The old man was wearing a navy blue brocade robe, with a handsome face. As soon as he went out, he saw the reading text, and his wrinkled face was immediately covered with tears. Laughing: "Princess? Princess, you are back."

"Uncle Gu, why are you here?"

The old man is Mr. Wan's right-hand man for many years, the ancient shopkeeper, and now he is the boss of several industries in the capital city. Everyone calls him Guban.

Although he has already started his own business, and he has done well, all of this is supported by the Wan family. He knows it very well in his heart, and he has never forgotten his roots. He treats Mr. Wan as always, and the people in the Wan family trust him very much. , obey him.

Shopkeeper Gu smiled and said: "Mr. Wan and the young master are not here. I will look after the house and accounts for them. I will come over from time to time to have a look. It's great that you are back. Come in quickly."

She didn't move while reading the text, her eyes were fixed on the shopkeeper Gu, her hands were tightly clutching the clothes on both sides, and sweat was dripping from her forehead. She took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to ask: "Uncle Gu, Wan, Wan Kun him, how is he?"

Shopkeeper Gu was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Didn't the young master chase you? Didn't you catch up? Didn't you come back together?"

Nianwen's eyes widened suddenly, he let go of the hand holding the clothes, and rushed to shopkeeper Gu in two steps, grabbing his clothes: "Uncle Gu, what did you just say? Wan Kun, he's chasing me ? Is he all right? Is he alright?"

Shopkeeper Gu was also confused: "Yeah, he was cured by the princess, did you forget?"

she cured?Why doesn't she know?I don't remember at all!

"Then he, did he come back later?" She asked hurriedly.

Shopkeeper Gu shook his head: "I heard that he chased you to the Zhou Dynasty and never came back. What's the matter? You didn't meet? Where is the young master now?"

Nian Wen stroked in his mind, and finally got a clue: "I guess he should be with my parents now."

Shopkeeper Gu was even more surprised: "Master, you were obviously sent to the Zhou Dynasty by the prince and the princess. They said they were going to some cold pool for treatment. The young master only went there later. How did you get everything wrong now?"

The big rock in Nianwen's heart finally fell to the ground, and a smile finally appeared on his face: "There were some accidents on the way. Fortunately, everyone is fine. I wrote a letter to King Zhou before I came back. I think they should know my whereabouts by now. Will be back soon."

Shopkeeper Gu nodded: "Just come back, just come back, come in quickly."

Read the text and nodded heavily: "Yeah!"

She looked up and looked at the clean and spotless Wanfu plaque. The golden Wanzi refracted dazzling light in the sun. It was the first time since the Kyoto Incident that she smiled so happily, and felt so relaxed for the first time.

Wan Mansion is still the same Wan Mansion from before, and nothing in the mansion has changed. The maids and servants saluted her one after another, their faces couldn't hide their joy. She grew up in this Wan Mansion, and she seems to have become the master of this mansion. , no one does not know her.

(End of this chapter)

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