Chapter 1607

Chapter 1623

Of course, nothing is absolute, and there is an accident right now.

In the courtyard where she used to live, there was a girl who didn't know her face. The girl wandered around in the courtyard, her eyes were so focused that she didn't even notice that the reading came in.

It's a girl with an unfamiliar face, dressed like a lady from an ordinary wealthy family, obviously not a girl from this mansion.

As if feeling that someone was staring at her, she turned around and saw a very beautiful woman staring straight at her. The woman was wearing a long plain dress with a slender waist and a belt of the same color that was half a palm wide. Up and down, there is no expensive jewelry, the clothes are not the clothes worn by the maids in the house, and the temperament is not like ordinary people.

"Who are you?" The girl stared at the text, raised her chin, and then straightened her back, trying to appear taller in front of the woman in front of her.

Nian Wen smiled lightly: "I still want to ask you, who are you?"

The girl snorted coldly: "I am the master here, you entered my yard without my consent, how dare you speak so rudely?"

Shopkeeper Gu originally told his servants to take Yun Tian to the guest room outside, but when he heard voices coming from inside, he rushed in. He rushed to the girl's side in three steps and two steps, and said with a dry smile: "Xian'er, I haven't seen the princess soon. .”

Gu Xian was taken aback: "Princess? Which princess?"

Shopkeeper Gu lowered his voice and said, "Which princess is there, of course it is the princess of Changle."

It was only then that Gu Xian realized that she was Princess Changle, who was well-known in Kyoto. She grew up hearing this name, but she didn't expect to see her alive today.

Gu Xian was very surprised, yes, it was just a surprise, not happy or any other emotions.

She knew that sooner or later she would meet Princess Changle, but she didn't expect it to be today.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and salute." The shopkeeper Gu urged his little granddaughter, his expression a little uneasy.

Lianwen never cared about these red tapes. Seeing that she is the granddaughter of shopkeeper Gu, she naturally wouldn't embarrass her, and waved her hand cheerfully: "No need, we are all a family, so why bother about these trivial etiquettes."

Read the text generously to recognize them as a family, but the shopkeeper Gu dare not be so generous. You know, the Zheng family is a relative of the emperor, and their Gu family is just a servant of the Wan family. How dare they call them the same family as the princess? But it's a big disrespect, it can be seen that Gu Xian still didn't intend to salute. To avoid embarrassment, he didn't say much, just smiled and said: "I'm busy with business these days, so I let Xian'er move in. In the mansion, when I'm not around, it's better for her to look after her."

Read the text and nodded: "You have a heart."

Shopkeeper Gu turned to Xianer and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Xian'er said: "Grandfather, the room Xian'er lives in is too damp, I don't like it, I think it's very nice here, I've decided to move here."

Shopkeeper Gu broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly said: "Don't talk nonsense, this is the princess's yard, you should go back quickly, don't make trouble here."

Gu Xian already knew that this was the place where the princess lived, and originally wanted to occupy it, but she didn't expect that the real lord would come back before she took action, what a pity.

Although she was very unwilling, she didn't dare to say anything in front of her grandfather, lest her grandfather drive her back to the Gu family in a fit of anger, and it would be even more difficult for her to see brother Kun.

Gu Xian reluctantly left the Yuzhu residence where Nianwen lived, and returned to her original residence.

As soon as she entered the door, she yelled at the girl who was cleaning the yard: "Come in quickly, don't you see the sweat on Miss Ben's head as she walks away?"

(End of this chapter)

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