Chapter 1608

Chapter 1624

The two girls who were cleaning looked at each other and muttered in a low voice: "Look, you really think of yourself as a young lady."

"I can bear it for the next few days. Now that the princess is back, the young master is coming back soon. The real master of this mansion is here. She has nothing to say. Sooner or later, she will go back in despair."

The two were giggling, dawdlingly filled a basin of water and brought it into the room, waited for Gu Xian to wash her face and change her clothes, and they had to be scolded again, Gu Xian was angry, so naturally she had to find someone to vent.

Unfortunately, they were the closest outlets to her.

After changing into dry clothes, Gu Xian asked the girl who was tidying up the house: "What is the relationship between the princess and your son?"

"Childhood sweetheart!"

"Two little guesses!"

Each of the two girls said something, with smiles in their eyes.

Gu Xian glared at them: "The two of them grew up together, that's because Dr. Jian wants to teach them skills in person. I'm asking you, what is the private relationship between the princess and the young master?"

Both girls shook their heads: "Then I don't know. The young master is cold-tempered, he doesn't like to talk too much, and his emotions and anger don't show on his face. No one knows what he is thinking in his heart. If we say that the relationship is good, the relationship between the Princess and Prince Jiao Relationships seem to be better."

A smile finally appeared on Gu Xian's face, she knew it was like this, if she wanted to marry the princess of the palace, she would naturally marry a royal child who matched her status, for example, Prince Jiao.

The two maids saw that she had finally let go of their smiles. In order not to be scolded and angry for a while, they simply gave her some sweetness, and said: "I also heard that Prince Jiao left the capital to return to the Zhou Dynasty to be punished." When I was crowned the crown prince, I begged the princess on my knees and wanted to take the princess with me."

Gu Xian's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly asked: "Then why didn't you take it away?"

The girl said with a smile: "The Princess herself refuses, and besides, there is only one Princess beside the palace, she is the heart of the prince and the princess, so I am not willing to let her go!"

That's true, if I was suddenly married to a neighboring country thousands of miles away, my parents would not be willing.

According to this, do Zheng Nianwen and Zhou Jiao have an affair?

She wanted to ask this question, but she didn't dare to ask it. After all, it was not a nice thing to say. If it was spread and her grandfather found out, she would not be able to forgive her.

"Okay, step back." She waved her hand.

The two girls hurriedly left with the basin in their hands, with smiles in their eyes.

Although they are not very old, they have stayed in this house for a long time, and they always listened to some older sisters talking about the back house, so how could they not understand the mind of Miss Gu Xian in front of them.

Ever since she moved into Wanfu, she has been running to Young Master's Qingsong Residence every three days, any fool can see her plan.

It's just a pity that for a girl like her, she can only be said to be mediocre in terms of beauty, and in terms of background, being a concubine is almost the same, but if she wants to be a son and wife, she may not be able to fulfill her wish.

"I heard that she only met our young master a few times. I'm afraid she didn't even say a word, so she dared to call Brother Kun. I really want to see the expression on the young master's face when he heard her brother Kun."

"Hee hee—Young master has always disliked a woman getting too close to him. If she dares to step forward recklessly, I'm afraid it will end badly."

"It's not necessarily that it's miserable. After all, her grandfather is the master's right-hand man, and now he has started a family business in the capital city. The master and the young master are not here for a while. It is her grandfather who has to take care of the business of the Wan family in the capital city. The so-called don't look at the face of hatred and look at the face of Buddha, you will still show some kindness."

(End of this chapter)

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