Chapter 1610

Chapter 1626

There seemed to be a sudden thunder above his head, he stared blankly at the reading, looking at the sunny smiling face, his mind went blank, what she was still saying, but he couldn't hear a word clearly.

When he was in Hantan, he didn't know what love was, what love was, and he didn't know what it was like to like a girl. Until, when Nianwen entered his life, his heart, which had been calm for a hundred years, suddenly became turbulent.

For the first time, he had the urge to become a human being, and to give up the dragon body that had accompanied him for a hundred years seemed to be a difficult decision for Han Jiao, but he was thinking about reading in his heart, and desperately wanted to leave that dragon body. Land, imagining like a real human being, walk out of the cold pool with both feet, and find her.

So that decision was not as difficult as imagined.

But now, she said that she has a man she likes, and she wants to marry that man.

What about him?What should he do?
Nianwen stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes: "Yuntian, what's wrong with you?"

Yun Tian came back to his senses, his face was dull, his eyes were unprecedentedly tired, he didn't know what to say, he didn't know how to express.

"I'm fine, maybe I'm tired, I'll go back and rest first."

Looking at Yuntian's lonely back, the smile on Nianwen's face gradually disappeared. She is not a wooden person, so she will not fail to understand Yuntian's thoughts.

She said those words just now to him on purpose, hoping to pull him up before he got stuck in the quagmire, so that he could see the reality earlier, so that he wouldn't be entangled by vain and unrealizable feelings.

What the result will be, she has no way of knowing, she just wants to do what she has a clear conscience.

A person's heart can be very big, and can hold the world's people.

A person's heart can also be very small, a small one can only hold one person.

Her heart is already full, and Yuntian is also in her heart, but it is only limited to the scope of friends.

There was a figure flashing past outside the door, and Nian Wen thought it was a maid passing by, so he didn't look at it carefully, bowed his head and took a few mouthfuls of food before returning to the room.

A petite girl slipped into Gu Xian's room quietly, and whispered in Gu Xian's ear for a long time.

Gu Xian's complexion became more and more ugly, and in the end, she angrily dropped the exquisite porcelain pots on the table.

"She really said that?" Gu Xian stared at the maid in front of her with a gloomy expression.

The girl looked at Gu Xian's appearance, and couldn't help but feel hairy, secretly thinking that Miss Gu is only 14 years old, why is her eyes so vicious?
The girl hurriedly shook her head: "This slave listened to me very clearly, every single word was correct."

Gu Xian twisted the handkerchief in her hand vigorously, gritted her teeth and said: "Okay, I understand, you go down first."

As soon as the girl left, she dropped a few more cups, but the anger in her heart didn't subside at all, instead it became more and more intense.

"Do you think you can do whatever you want as a princess? Do you think brother Kun really likes a savage woman like you? You don't look like a lady in the slightest. Apart from that pretty face, what else is worthy of Kun? Brother like it?"

"Hmph, my elder brother Kun is not a superficial person, he will definitely not like a rude woman like you."

"Madam Wan is already dead, what are you still doing here? This is the Mansion Wan, and the owner's surname here is Wan, not Zheng. Why don't you go back to your Zheng's house, and what are you doing here so shamelessly? ?”

"Just wait and see, let's wait and see, I will definitely not let you succeed, never!"

(End of this chapter)

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