Chapter 1611

Chapter 1627

What Guxian didn't expect was that Zheng Nianwen was going to leave Wanfu after she made a plan all night and before all her plans were implemented.

She only stayed for one night, and she was leaving before Wan Kun came back?
For others, maybe this is not good news, but for Gu Xian, it is great news.

The shopkeeper Gu came early in the morning, and brought the vegetarian fried sweet milk that Nianwen likes to eat on weekdays.

"Princess, you want to go?" Shopkeeper Gu hurried into Yuzhuju, and before he had time to put down the things in his hand, he asked Zheng Nianwen who was dancing a sword in the courtyard.

Nian Wen stopped his gesture, smiled and nodded towards the shopkeeper Gu: "I want to go back to the palace. I'm very relieved that you are here to take care of me. I don't know what the palace has become. I have to go back and have a look."

Shopkeeper Gu heaved a sigh of relief. He thought that the princess was going to leave the capital again, and he was frightened. He was really afraid that she would leave suddenly, and the young master would have to look for her again. The family business would be left to him alone. He has long since run out of skills.

"It's good to go back and have a look. The prince and princess will be back in a few days, and the princess should welcome them at the palace."

Nian Wen took the Su Sheng Jian in his hand, smiled and said: "That's the reason, it's better for Uncle Gu, and I have to remember what I like to eat."

Shopkeeper Gu's smiling eyes narrowed into slits, and the princess could be regarded as the one he grew up watching. This girl is sweet when she speaks small, and she is coaxed to make people like her from the bottom of her heart. She is much more likable than the young master's mouth.

"Eat more if you like it, enough!"

There were two servings of fried vegetables in the food box, and one set was four. She only kept two, and put the other six back into the food box. She ordered the girl in the courtyard to send it to Yuntian in the guest room, and told him to wait half an hour. Then leave.

The girl hurried away and came back in a hurry, saying that there was no one in the room.

There was a thud when reading the text, and a bad premonition rose in my heart.

"Has anyone seen him?"

The girl shook her head: "The slave girl asked the servants in the guest room, and said that the lights were not lit in the room all night last night, and there was no sound coming out. She also said that Mr. Yun went to bed early, but when he knocked on the door early in the morning, he was shocked. It was found that there was no one in the room, and the bed didn't look like someone had slept on it."

Nian Wen was anxious, and hurriedly said: "Go and see if he went to the wrong house and went to rest somewhere else."

Although Yun Tian has very domineering internal strength, he doesn't know how to get along with others, how to survive in this world, and he doesn't bring any money with him, so if he just left, where can he go?If he wanted to hide from her, where could she go to find him?

Shopkeeper Gu led his men to turn Wan's mansion upside down, but he couldn't find any clues about Yuntian.

"Princess, it seems that Mr. Yun left without saying goodbye."

The face of reading the text sank like water, secretly hating herself for not saying those words at this time, she should consider his mood, and tell him slowly, it shouldn't be so sudden.

She raised her eyes to shopkeeper Gu: "Uncle Gu, I know that Wanjia's intelligence network is very powerful, can you help me find Yuntian."

Faced with the request to read the text, shopkeeper Gu naturally had no reason to refuse, nor could he refuse.

"Okay, I'll take care of it right away. Princess, don't worry too much. As long as he is still in the capital, he will definitely be found."

Read the text again and said: "I will go back to the Prince's Mansion today, please help me inform the servants in the mansion, if Yun Tian comes back after I leave, he must be taken to the Palace of the Peering Prince."

(End of this chapter)

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